Saturday, February 9, 2013

my freakout, Nyasia, and what's next for me

Hi: Kind of blogging, kind of complaining...but then again: i'm kind of jsut doing what I always do...

Yesterday I had the worst breakdown yesterday over a tiny (well, not so tiny. it was a huge as mistake that made me go into hysterics)...point is: I am anal about everything and I got too heady again. I forgot just how lucky I was to even have an opportunity to be published by Samuel French Magazine...
It was an honnor and I'm just a stupid OCD person.

I was hiding under my parents bed hysterically crying.
I have to say that if it wasn't for Nyasia, I don't think I would have stayed there until I died. She stayed on the phone with me...through all the screaming and hystericall deep breathing...

I'm so lucky to have friends like that. Sometimes you need alittle mental breakdown to remind yourself just how great your life really is.

And as I was hyperventalating... i was thinking about why I'm friends with Nyasia (not questioning our friendship, but appreciating it).

We're working on a play together, and i'm so excited and happy about it. Because I put Nyasia through alot of shit... really, I do.

From ghost stories and almost getting fake murdered by a me always brwaking my bones and her always being an icky flirt. It's so interesting all the adventures we've had together.

So you can expect a mental breakdown or two in our play.

So that's what is next for me. Collaberating and being awesoem. I'm working on being less emotional...but it's a work in process....

So this is just my thoughts....yes.

- Hayley

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