Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ugh, today.


Not such a good day.

I really feel uncomfortable in Cross trainging. I ahve never done cross trainging without crying,.
it's pethetic, I know... but i can;t help it.

When i cross train< i get really vaulnerable: (not in the best of ways).

Today i think was the worst. We had to do an up dog/plan walk-crawl and I could not do it to save my life! Everyone was doing it with such ease, and i coul barley hold myself up.
That's when i started crying. And then right after taht we walked around, and I wassn't sure waht I was doing, so i started to judge.

Whioch was wrong of me.
Im verty sorry.
But I thoguht about how cool everyone else looked, and how STUPID i looked. I didn't know what i was doing, or why...Only becaseu Ms.Mack told me too. And that made me cry even more.

Dance is alrady uncomfortable for me. I'm urrounded by a ton of graceful tooth-picks who can do everything and then some, and I'm the opisite of tha.t
I already don't fit in, and Now i'm like a green-thumb in the patch.

The black sheep stuck in a field of fluffy cute white sheep.

so much.

So cried some more. And then it gets worse: We walked around "connecting to people".
I know that no one wants to conect with a girl who is crying, but...i mean....

When we were told to stop, and everyoner had a partner to connect to...and I was jsut there by myself. Bare naked in the wond: and no body there to catch me when I fell....

I really think that hurt the most.

and i cried some more.

But i was better in the acting part of cross trainging.

God, i jsut wish i wasn't so...akward.

I really want to fit and get better at dance, but i don't think i can.
or ever will.

I also got into a fight with my "friend".
She called my Pretty project stuid and worthless.

And thast hurt the most eut of everything today.

not a good day...not a good day.

Hayley Michelle

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