Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I get Stoned A lot. =(


I remember the last time i got stoned. I went home with a black eye. That was a month before 8th grade in my old school was over...i remember not coming back for three days.

I got stoned in the hallway today. Someone just said my name and threw stones at me. They were pebbles really, but pionty.

My first stonning was in Summer Camp. It was by my best friend. I guess you can say she was my brutus. Her and my cabin mates circled me in and just pelted me.

I always hated Kesley for that. (Fasulo from my old school).
She just turned on me and hated me.
She couldn't tell me what i did wrong, so she threw stones at me .

They were big ones too.
Stones don't hurt as much as eggs though. Eggs shells are a PAINNNN.

I just really hate being stoned.
I watched Glee today (again<3) and Kurt is right.
Dodgeball is like the modern-day stonning. Cruel and unsual.

I also got told that i'm not pretty by two losers in my class. Not my best day.
I've been trying to not care what people say about me...but its really really really really REALLY hard.

I punched the kid instead of crying like i guess it's an improvement.
Who invented Stoning?
I hope he got a paradoxical death by pelting. XP

Hayley Michelle

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