Tuesday, November 15, 2011



Ok. Didn't blog on monday. had piano voice.
Dad isharping on me to choose between music and playwrighting again.
Aladren mentioned trying to work with other musicians in class. I would like to work sebastian. Imma ask him if he can help me hook up a MIDI chord to my piano. =)
Anywho, i have alot to do.
Working on play for thursday, memorising monolugue. Thinking about being a beatrice not a hero....i think. I don't know. I'm beatrice dressed as hero.....
Problem is i don't like the way beatrice dresses...I'm a bith trying to dress...innocently? Its complicated metephore on how i don't love myself enough.
This is rough. gonna think it through over some Ulong tea. yum.<3
Posts on Pretty Project. READ N SHARE PLEASE!
Hayley Michelle

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