Monday, December 19, 2011

Aparently I'm Clustraphobic.



I've been sick for 3 days. I wasn't good on Sunday, but not technically sick. Then Sunday morning i was SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a Doctors Opiontment later todsay, so thats good i guess. Hoope i can be well for Thursday. crap!

So let me tell you all about Saturday at Rachel Caplan's Show:

Gabe is bacK!
I saw him at the show.

This is not sterotypical, but he got..scottish?

Grew a "beard" thing, reminds me of a lumber-jack! Stil; has kept his hair dark. XP.

Also i almost died on the trian.


I do not like them. SO naturally, i  was scared to be getting on one at such a late time.
So Our train left at 1-30 AM. So Everything was fine until the doors opened to get to the lower level and board the train.
OUT OF NO-WHERE a SUPER MOB heads for the same door.
You don't even have to move, and you'll move! Everyone was pushing for the door. You couldn't breathe. I got crushed between a Very mean smell man, and an old-lady. The man was rude and told me to get off of him.
Hey, you think i wanna be next to you!
I was crying, i was so scared. And i start hyperventalating.
And then i started to scream "I AHTE CROPWDS! IM GOING TO DIE! IM GOING TO DIE!"
It was kinda, like i went into shock. Some girl, who was also crushed held my hand and told me it would be alright, but i still couldn't breatrhe. I lost my mom and i was FREAKING OUT!!!!!

So apartenly I go into shock in crowds. Which i don't understand because i've gone to concerts and pits and i've never had a problem with crowds! But i jsut FREKED!

Still afraid of trains.
So that's my experience.

I think i caught something from that mean nasty man. SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh, and the show was good. XP

Hayley Michelle

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