Monday, June 24, 2013

what I've done for film

Dear ms.Aladren,
My computer crashed, so I am typing this on my tiny iPod..... And on blogger. So my "evidence" is on the google drive and once my computer is working, I shall email you further examples of my work.

So I originally wrote the screen play- where we had 14 different drafts (at least 5-6 will be in google drive in a file called playing god NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH the film folder where both Collins and my script are). 

I also wen around school and took all of the location photos and scouting with NIOLA while Hannah was away in Germany. (I scouted, NIOLA too pictures) I believe those as well are on the drive in the design folder, but don't quote me. They are, however, definably on the black iPad.) 
As well as scout locations, I found inspiration images which are in te design folder under every character: in the film class 2013 folder. playing god: design. There are several images for each character).

Once we began filming, I was Production Manager (I don't think that's the correct term...but yes). I was there for every single shot an I did all of the rehearsal reports.

Hannah, NIOLA, and I worked on scheduling however I tried fevoriously to keep everyone on schedule.

I donated several props and also helped tech the shooting.

On gmail, (I shall email you this once my computer works) I have all of the reports of our filming written by yours truly.

This is what I did for the did process.

Ta-da I guess...... 

Thank you for allowing me to email you this. Have a lovely lovely lovely summer!!!

-Hayley Michelle 


Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I haven't posted for Monday-Wednesday because I've been SUPER BUSY wit my book

But it is finally up and ready for sale on!!! (Link on FB as well as on my blog tomorrow morning). 

Basically I've been doing that.

Monday I wrote a music score for Marjorie's film, I emailed tha I think. The vocals are shaken in the beginning but ill redo that...maybe.

So I I'm published.... Ya. I really don't know what to say.

-Hayley Michelle 

Friday, June 7, 2013


I've lost track of what day it is on blogging---
I do my work because I try to make everything in my life ...echem..."artsy" but I never seem to find the time, or the will, to sit down and blog about it.

I don't know: I really hope I haven't lost my touch for blogging: I used to find it so enjoyable but now I find it to be a task.

Oh well: I still need an A!

So this is what I did this week in short:

1. Work the HELL out of my book edits and uploading. I went to Mr.Teidermann (btw: the man is a genius and he is sooooo nice. I wish we could work with his shop more often. They are getting a #D printer! The people in that shop deserve it; I have some friends in there, but I've seen some of the things that they do and it just blows my mind). ANYWAY--- Mr.Teidermann helped me re-do my cover image and change the DPI (what ever that means) to printing standards. So because of him, I have a book cover! SO HAPPY

2. DYKE and my Senior Showcase proposal. I know I'm not supposed to have a team BUT there is one person I defiantly want to collaborate with: and that is Samantha Gabina in Film. So we are meeting Friday (next week) and we are coming up with a proposal for Senior showcase together to be approved. We shall work at ALLLL the details and get ALLL the information before we go to Aladren/Miranda. I want to really collaborate theatre and film for this project and I think Sam is really professional and friendly--- so I hoping she'll rub off on me. I think if I have a small team, my collaboration skills might be the best of terms, lets see how this goes! Lol, I'll try to be as cordial as I can! XP

3. THESIS PAPER: Brett and I re-scheduled our...schedule and we are prepared. I just sent him my second draft of my essay and I'm waiting for a response.

All in all that is what I did this week: plus extra stuff and all


I got accepted into Berkley Music School for Piano and Composing without applying...that's apparently a thing.

They saw my video and called my dad to talk about me,  and invited me to join them at Berkley for a week intensive AND I get a VIP tour of the Steinway factory for it's 160th anniversary.... (wow: run-on sentence much?!)
It honestly is the Willy Wonka Fantasy come true....


I'm not at the level they THINK I lets just see if I can fake it until I make it.


I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hope I can go to the 160th factory walk through. It would be an honor to attend.

So summer: Berkley music college stuff? maybe.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Post


Stayed afterschool today and had a production meeting with Marjorie for her film, also talked to my people about my Senior Showcase
and I stayed after for auditions.

Love the new freshies---- HALF-BLOODS! (only nerds and Olympians will understand).

Sunday, June 2, 2013


So hi!

I have not posted ALLLLLLLLL WEEEEEKKKK--- because I have been MEGA MEGA busy with my book and having "issues" with  my publisher..... but I have all of my stuff now. And it most likely will not count, but I want to show all my work this week anyway.


I edited chapters 30-36. I did grammar, spell check, sentence formation (fragments and run-ons) as well as cosmetic changes to phrasing. On the docs I have all my edit pages and my official book.


I worked on the cover which originally looked like this:
(Ya....I know... sorry. Don't worry, it gets better!!)
The "new" cover:
I finished edits 36-38 (last chapter) and was on a field trip.
BUT I still worked!
I went to the film festival and worked on my "final" (as of this moment) cover:
SAT's! and participated in Richard Biozic's Recital.

So I am on the phone with my publisher at the moment and we are just working out the kinks!
Check for my book at
(a more detailed URL to come)  Next week!!!!!