Friday, June 7, 2013


I've lost track of what day it is on blogging---
I do my work because I try to make everything in my life ...echem..."artsy" but I never seem to find the time, or the will, to sit down and blog about it.

I don't know: I really hope I haven't lost my touch for blogging: I used to find it so enjoyable but now I find it to be a task.

Oh well: I still need an A!

So this is what I did this week in short:

1. Work the HELL out of my book edits and uploading. I went to Mr.Teidermann (btw: the man is a genius and he is sooooo nice. I wish we could work with his shop more often. They are getting a #D printer! The people in that shop deserve it; I have some friends in there, but I've seen some of the things that they do and it just blows my mind). ANYWAY--- Mr.Teidermann helped me re-do my cover image and change the DPI (what ever that means) to printing standards. So because of him, I have a book cover! SO HAPPY

2. DYKE and my Senior Showcase proposal. I know I'm not supposed to have a team BUT there is one person I defiantly want to collaborate with: and that is Samantha Gabina in Film. So we are meeting Friday (next week) and we are coming up with a proposal for Senior showcase together to be approved. We shall work at ALLLL the details and get ALLL the information before we go to Aladren/Miranda. I want to really collaborate theatre and film for this project and I think Sam is really professional and friendly--- so I hoping she'll rub off on me. I think if I have a small team, my collaboration skills might be the best of terms, lets see how this goes! Lol, I'll try to be as cordial as I can! XP

3. THESIS PAPER: Brett and I re-scheduled our...schedule and we are prepared. I just sent him my second draft of my essay and I'm waiting for a response.

All in all that is what I did this week: plus extra stuff and all


I got accepted into Berkley Music School for Piano and Composing without applying...that's apparently a thing.

They saw my video and called my dad to talk about me,  and invited me to join them at Berkley for a week intensive AND I get a VIP tour of the Steinway factory for it's 160th anniversary.... (wow: run-on sentence much?!)
It honestly is the Willy Wonka Fantasy come true....


I'm not at the level they THINK I lets just see if I can fake it until I make it.


I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hope I can go to the 160th factory walk through. It would be an honor to attend.

So summer: Berkley music college stuff? maybe.

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