Monday, September 16, 2013

September 9/16/2013---September 9/20/2013


Daily goal: start one of my three plays for senior showcase

Achieved? Hell yes!!

I'm pretty proud of how I started. I haven't really been writing to my fullest extent recently (echem, the past 6 months), but I'm really interested I what I started.

I know that Aladren said comedy was one of my better attributes, so I thought that instead of focussing on something I think I'm good at: I would push myself to be good at the opposite. 
So I'm going to write one tragedy, one comedy and one "whatever comes to me". 
I normally don't do supernatural stuff but I think I se up a pretty cool world (so far) an I can't wait to see where it takes me! 
I got 3 pages in. Woot-woot!!! 




DAILY GOAL: Edit my first three pages and make it less icky


So I wrote things----yes----and I decent with it. I don't think I used that word correctly. I edited it to have a bit of more of a plot---- and I'm working I a game plan. I added a page and a half.

It's not done yet but I really think I'm scratching the serface of something kinda good.




DAILY GOAL: To complete a power point proposal/pitch for senior showcase

ACCOMPLISHED? Sort of, not really.

So today I worke on my senirnsowcase pitch. In class. I started this really old tie my running gag of my horrible proposal. I thought It was pretty funny so I made an actual 1916 inspired PowerPoint film on my senior how case mock proposal. I use the word mock because  it is pretty funny and it doesn't take itself seriously. I uploaded it to google docs and was really upset because two pictures that are in color shouldn't be and you can't view all the transitions I did (that took me a long time to program). But it's okay: tomata tomato. I was thinking about proposing it for our Indygogo film thing to get people interested in it. Who knows? 


the picture won't upload but it looks awesome! Go to google docs. I made several fonts and it took me hourssss to do. 


DAILY GOAL: continue with my Zombie play an explore the depth between pre-zombie relationship

ACHIEVED? partically.

I feel very proud of my work so far on this play in an entirety. Ow ever I feel very unsure of what I'm doing. I've neve really done such a serious play and I think it's stretching me as writer. I Keep getting a note from my fellow writers that it is very disjointed---and I wanted it to be that way because I wanted use the format of writing as a metaphor for Sara and Cain's relationship. But I don't think it's hitting how I want it to? Ya. That. I think I'm goon to continue down the pat I on until I finish it an step back an I can decide what works and what doesn't.




DAILY GOAL: Finsih first draft of "Everyone Named Sara Dies"


so I had a pretty good work day today. I finished my first draft and I'm actually proud of it. I feel that I've stretched myself as a writer tryig to steer away from my general funny. It was really hard for me to keep it so spartan---but I love the feel of the peice. I can't wait to discuss it on Monday!!! 



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