Saturday, March 12, 2011

200th BLOG!!!!!!



So to celbrate, lets start off with some MORE ANGST AND ANGER.

no, actually...last night after Rehersal for Coedy of errors, after everyone left...i cried until my parents came and picked me up.

i am seriously begining to hate the other freshmen. I was so prepaired to go home and write the MEANEST BLOGE VER jsut flipping everyone off...and then i relized that they weren't worth my time.

Its jsut that, i relized yesturday that they're never gonna like me....Adjenea told me.

She litrally said " You know Hayley, i only stood up for you today because your in theater"
but she's giving herself a dab to much credit.
She didn't stand up for me. SHE DIDN"T DO SHIT.
and its not jsut her...its alot of others that will go un-mentioned. im not THAT low....

But i dont care. Its just, it was the first time anyone adressed the situation. Everyone makes fun of me. I'm used to it, so i jsut brush it off my shoulders and keep on moving... but its the first time anyone's really offically said it. outloud, i mean and to my face.
I know they talk about me behind my back.

And then i went home to my parents, and they basically told me to change myself and be like them.

I think they should all jsut be like me.
But whatever, love me hate me, say what you want about me, but just to remind you:
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but GUNS AND ROSES BEAT YOU ALL.

So in retaliation to everyone's hatred twards me..i wrote a "song". Its jsut lyrics right now, but its gonna get music soon:


V: You march to the beat of the drum/ and i dont even know what the hell i march to/ but what i really want to know is/ who died and left the thrown to you?/ Last time i checked/ i didn't make you incharge/ of telling me what to wear/ Your not the advisor of my world/ and frankly, i dont really care/
I may be an aquired taste/ but one thing's for sure i'm not a waste/ and your jsut wasting my time:

C: Love me/ hate me/ i know that you want me/ your just jelous/ because your not this fabulous/ sticks and stones/ my break my bones/ but rock and roll/ will never get old./ and your juat cold/ from the ice cube that froze your soul/

V: i know what you say about me/ dont think that i can't hear/ but atleast im not that low a level/ your just hating cuz you hate to hide your fear/ of what you say/ what you do/ who made you the queen/ Because if you haven't noticed./ not everything/ is about you honey/ its all about me/
and all the attention your giving me/ its got me fealing special and shiney/

C: Love me/ hate me/ i know that you want me/ your just jelous/ because your not this fabulous/ sticks and stones/ my break my bones/ but rock and roll/ will never get old./ and your juat cold/ from the ice cube that froze your soul/

B: Sticks and stones/ and words that hurt/ and/ rubber band sling shots/ those are the worst/ but your jsut low/ like the tempature of your soul/ so hate on me/ because i'll give what i recive/ and you can talk all you want/ but who ever told you that your opinion matter's/ cuz it dont/

C: Love me/ hate me/ i know that you want me/ your just jelous/ because your not this fabulous/ sticks and stones/ my break my bones/ but rock and roll/ will never get old./ and your juat cold/ from the ice cube that froze your soul/


So ya. thats it. Comment if you have anything to say, because you can only dish it if you can take it. And i've been taking it for TOO ya. i jsut dont even care anymore. i jsut feel really lonely sometimes...all alone.

I know i always talk shiz about my friends, but i have one good friend. Her name is Faith Freedman, and i love her. Seriously, i want to adopt her as my sister. i love her THAT much.

She's the only one that really gets me...and she is seriously thinknig about auditioning to the program.
And i'm jsut really sick and tired of being all alone.
I miss her. Havn't seen her in a while.
She's never been to disney before, so for spring break i'm surprising her and taking her there.


she really is my only friend.
So ya, i am still mega pissed...but i know its gonna get better. because certian freshmena re leaving, others will get into drugs and disapear from my life, and some people may join me and relize how stupid and superficial we're all being.

I canonly hope for the best,
Hayley Michelle

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