Wednesday, March 2, 2011



ok. yesturday was the worst day ever. i got into a "fight" and later got suspended. The other girl did not. I was crying my eyes out all day. i lost my wallet and then missed my bus, so i had to stay after school for theater. I was going to go to free pancake day with I WALKED ALL THE WAY THERE IN HIGH HEELS JUST TO RELIZE THAT THE LINE WAS TOO LONG AND I DIDNT GET ANY PANCAKES!!!

So with blisters on my beautiful feet, i went back to the mall with miguel, and almost fell into  a trash can. (never sit on a trash can) walked back, and cleaned out paint cans for half the rehersal. think, "how could this possibly get any worse?" well guess what.


So i was stuck in the janator's closet, and i acidently droped the paint can in the sink and it splattered alll over my clothes. my NEW CLOTHES.
So i start screaming at myself in the mirror of the Janitor's closet. absolute ramapage of chaos.
FOR HOURS. ( i actually dont know how long, but it was more than 45 minutes , i can tell you that).

And people were passing me by and one guy came in and asked if i was ok.
And after telling him my life story, he left.
And then i fell in the sink and hit my head.
All the boxes fell over and everything was messy.

So i fixed everything up, and then i cried.

after that, i saw Ms.Aladren's ADORABLE babies.
And you would think that babies would make everything feel better, but it made me feel really bad because my skin isnt as pretty or as soft  as a baby's.
And then i thoguht, "holy crap, im jelous of a baby. i need theropy. right. now"
so then i went to do light inventory with Miguel, Adjenea, Abbi and Michelle.

And i droped an ilipsoidelle on my foot.
ITS OK! nothing is broken, and the light was perfectly fine.
the only think broken is my dignity.

And then i got the call that i was suspended and then i cried even more.
i thought about litterally not coming home.

But then i decided not too because that would make my parents even more mad.
So when i went home, my parents said that the police might get involved and now i feel like a dilinquet.
Its not like i KILLED her....

I really hope nothing happens.
Im a good person.
good things happened to GOOD people, bad things happen to BAD people.
That's the way the world should work, but of doesnt.


and this mourning i ger a call from mr.brown telling me that i cant go to my MANDITORY SET DESIGHN MEETING TODAY AND I WAS SO PISSED I BROKE MY MINI-VIOLIN.

After i glued it back together, i cried some more.

I know it seems like i'm over re-acting, but to me this is everyday and very serious.
If camaera's fallowed me around, my life would be like an episode of Degrassi but with better acting and less pretty people.

Also, degrassi is filmed in canada.

So lets all pray that today will be better.

Hayley Michelle

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