Wednesday, April 3, 2013

FILM: Day "One" of writing


So we are offically doing The Film Project: and I could not be MORE excited!!!!

Great crew and actors: and not too brag but *hopefully* good writing. (oh me...XP)

So I started WAY earlier than I should ahve (but super glad I did). This is technically the fifth re-write but it is titled the fourth.

Here are a few screen shots of what I worked on today.
I met with most of the cast and crew online and we worked on it as a group.
I'm so happy to be in such a collaberative group.

Okay: the screen shots aren't loading.... but that is besides the point......

I'll post the script and highlight our comments as we went along:

ESTHER---- Rianna
GABRIEL--- Brett
TAYLOR--- Nyasia  (taylor needs to change: maybe Lilly or Abigail?)


SFX: Heavy drum and simple guitar riff: no vocals. Intro of “There ain’t no rest for the wicked” by Caged The Elephant.
Esther sits wearing a fur winter coat and heavy sunglasses: (Very Rachel Zoe). She sits facing forward with a very stoic face.
I’m like god. I smite people.
Girl comes and sits down and hands Esther a picture of Gabriel. Esther takes it.
Like the tower of Babel, I take down those who get too high. Playing prophet is fun. People fear me, people worship me.

Cut - Esther holds hand out, girl gives her money. Esther takes out phone and texts TAYLOR
Some people don’t believe in me...
Shot: Esther walking through the park where there is graffiti“God is dead”: Esther takes the can and spray paints an X over the words.
but let’s just say...There is only one god... and that’s the way it should stay.
Cut- GABRIEL in car. Wearing aviators and a leather jacket.
I’m like god, but I have no morals.
Cut - Boy comes to him and hands him a picture of Esther.
I see everything that goes on around me: and like the forces of nature I crack down on those who try and defy me.
Cut - GABRIEL puts his hand out, boy places money into his hand. Takes out phone and texts TAYLOR.

Cut- SPLIT SCREEN Esther hands Taylor the picture of Gabriel, and Gabriel hands Taylor the picture of Esther. Full shot of Taylor with both pictures in her hands, smile.

Shot: Taylor goes, with Gabriel’s picture in her hand and is looking for his file in the file cabinet.

Shot: Taylor walking back to Esther, hands over a manilla folder. Esther reads it.

Shot: Esther points to the folder and sends Taylor to the library: we see her changing Gabriel’s grades in the computer. Girl who is walking by goes to tell teacher.

Shot: Taylor is walking away and texts Esther: “MISSION COMPLETE”.

Shot: Taylor goes down hall and pulls Esther’s picture out of her pocket: she meets up with Gabriel.
Shot: Gabriel draws on Esther’s face while he tells Taylor what to do.
I see everything that goes on around me: and like the forces of nature I crack down on those who try and defy me.
Shot: Taylor is in the girls locker room, hacking into her Esther’s locker and stealing all her clothes.
The religion I run is a blackmail business:
functioning like a machine and deadly like a sniper. A forced to be reckoned with. High school is hell, full of sinners.

Shot: Esther looking for her clothes but she can’t: she walks out of gym in her sweaty booty shorts and a sports bra, looking for her clothes. Taylor walks in the opposite direction and types “MISSION COMPLETE” to Gabriel.
You’re either god of the sinners or vassal of the losers. You use everybody because everybody is using you...
Shot: Gabriel is walking down the hall all confident and when he sees his grades “changed” and posted down the halls, he rips them down.
I’m god because there is only one almighty divine...and if I do say so myself, I am divine. I own every student that walks through these halls,
Shot: Esther finds her clothes on top of the boys bathroom door: she reaches for them as a boy comes out. She pushes him off and storms out with her clothes.
I have ruled this school for three years straight and I won’t rest until I make it four.
SFX: explode to song chorus.
SPLIT SCREEN: Esther walks down hallway in the cheesy slow-motion badass “I’m walking away from an explosion” walk, while Gabriel does the same in the opposite direction: Taylor is in the middle as they both hand her new tasks.
SHOT(s): Roll call of a back and forth “tit-for-tat”. Esther’s PBJ having cat litter put in it secretly, to Gabriel’s lemonade bottle filled with Cooking oil. Esther’s eyeliner replaced with sharpie, to Gabriel’s hair gel having blue hair dye put in it. Taylor is secretly doing all of this.
SHOT: SPLIT SCREEN we see both of them freaking out about their “new Looks” they text Taylor the same text, (split screen on their different phones: FIND THE UGLIEST MOST EMBARRASSING PICTURE AND BRING THEM DOWN!!!)
SHOT-Taylor looks at her phone and sees the messages, and types in the dark on her laptop, it only illuminates her face.
CUT-(SFX: Bell) next day. Down the front hall, ESTHER walks to the bulletin board expecting to see Gabriel’s picture, but there is one of her too. At the same time we see GABRIEL coming down the side hallways expecting to see Esther’s picture but he notices his first. They see each other and run angrily until they meet in the middle of the bulletin board: the halls are empty now, except for the omniscient presence of Taylor in the background. They take a moment to stare at eachother.(beat) They take a moment staring at eachother.

(During Taylor’s “Monologue” we see Gabriel and Esther arguing--- she throws her glasses down and he tosses his leather jacket: Then fighting turns to talking then they smile and shake hands--- hold hands and walk down a hallway: but we focus on Taylor for the main part)
You know what it feels like? That moment when the towers of power come crashing to the ground--- and kiss the feet of the earth and nothing stands in the path where it once stood? It’s not defeat--- its opportunity. Taking advantage of the new plot and building a skyscraper that is taller, stronger, and better in the place where the old huts were. It feels like a revolution in your veins when The Precious King and Worshiped Queen are dethroned by ego and error-- and a monarchy falls into Anarchy. Look at them--- they think themselves to be god- an all seeing force--- they didn’t even see me coming. If they get to play god, I guess that would make me a devil of some sorts: because in the grand scheme of things... they’re surrounded by a bunch of atheists. God is dead... (SFX stop)

Shot: TAYLOR puts on the shades and jacket and walks out the opposite direction with Esther and Gabriel walking the opposite direction.
                                               And by the way? It feels good. (great)

(this was parts of our chat: it is on google doc)

Rianna Ronquillo: hmmmm i really like the idea you're going for how taylor finally gets her big moment and i like how it's cliffhangerish. but at the same time it just stops abruptly...
idk maybe it's just me?
i really like her monologue though!
nyasia simpson: I'm up to the pbj part- littlle rascals much? c: lol had to point that out xp
me: I KONWW!!!
nyasia simpson: well, i like everything, up unto the end ._.
i mean
me: kk: what is wrong with the end?
too much cheese for you? Cuz I kinda want a tad of cheese
nyasia simpson: i like it too, just, what is with the repeats like "and by the way" lines.
and it is a little cheesey, but the whole play itself is a tad cheesey so it works
me: oh!! sorry: forgot to delete line rofl
fixed it. ndeed: I want to play with the cheese of everything and kinda make it so unrealistic that its real. XP
Do you see it ending somewhere else?
nyasia simpson: no, i like that they're both oblivious to taylor it's comical in a sense. and i like how she takes her glasses, his jacket. the cliff is okay
Rianna Ronquillo: MMM betterrr!!!
me: yay!!1 but not "great"
nyasia simpson: jes, jes i agree
me: what is it missing?!?!?!
Rianna Ronquillo: hmmm....  honestly, i don't know what else you could do to change it. it is good. maybe ask hannah for input as well?
nyasia simpson: ever heard of "if the thingie ain't broken, stop trying to fix it"?

There is the work!!!


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