Thursday, April 25, 2013


Worked on the script. I'm running out fo things to do and I can't fo anything else but sit on my butt because I interfere with other peoples work. I'm just--- I WANNA BE HELPFUL!

I've finished FUENTAOVAJUNA. It was pretty awesome. Althoguh I still laughed at how strong the iambic pentamiter of it all--- I enjoyed the text and the story archs. =) Going to start LIFE IS A DREAM later today maybe-- excited to read it after talking about it's influence at Court Theatre and The Golden Age in General today in Theatre History.

Worked even more on the script. Just going o change the bedroom prank to the panty prank and I'm done. =)

Worked on a play THE MIRANDA EFFECT OR IN SHORTER WORDS: THE HISTORY OF FEMENISM PART I. New play inspired by an exersize in class. Super excited. Also got my rejection from Young Playwrights. Great feedback. Really happy to know that I can do things! Also worked a tad on spelling for the film. ya.

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