Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 21st, 2013 - - - October 25th, 2013




SO if this script needs to be edited one more FUCKING time I might die. Because I have put my blood sweat tears and art into this play trying to make it good enough for Seb to direct.

I made it have some sort of arch and emotion and ya--- I kept my artistic integrity (which is hard to do, because I don't have a lot of it) and I still managed to change most of my script to fit what needed to be done.
 Hayley's out. I just--- ya.

I don't know what else to say. It hink the piece is speaking for itself.
Let's just hope its not cursing someone out or speaking in a different language.
That'd be PRETTY bad.
 (posting script pics from ipod> hope they went through)


DAILY GOAL: Internship thingy in NYC

DO I have to blog about this? I don't really want to blog about this. I came. I saw. I conquered.

HOWEVER I will say that one of the plays we are reading right now is from the Netflix Collections and our homework is to watch BBC SHERLOCK, which I watch and worship on a daily basis.
The inner fan girl in me is super happy.


DAILY GOAL: Jillian Lesson


So I worked with Jillian today again. Things are going swell---steadily. We "completed" the song. Now I'm just tweaking the performance of it---- presentation of it.

Hopefully by next week we will be good. I'll try and record her. That should be fun. XP

Til Next week.




So I worked really hard on these three essays--- that I'm not using now because I have decided to not apply to Yale and Brown.

I'm just---gah----senior depression.

I just want to be good enough for something-- but that shouldn't be my goal. GAH
Sometimes I really hate how I act.

I might as well share the essay's that I worked really hard on

*Brown question one:* Tell us where you have lived - and for
> how long -
> > since you were born; whether you've always lived in the same
> place, or
> > perhaps in a variety of places. (100 word limit)
> >
> >
> > I have always ‘lived’ in New Jersey. For 16 years I stayed
> within the arms
> > of the garden state and allowed it to coddle me into the
> carbon copy of the
> > stereotypical bourgeois Jewish-american girl. I went through
> the movements
> > of life like a cog inside of a factory, and never questioned
> the function
> > of the machine. I witnessed the other gears grind to a halt
> around me while
> > others continued cycling through the movements without an end.
> I heard the
> > squeaky wheels being silenced and then replaced, and thought
> nothing of
> > their squeals until it was I who was being replaced in the
> system. From the
> > sidelines I could see the bright new gears quickly evolve into
> rusted> rotating cylinders that were stuck on a repetitive loop
> forced to partake
> > in the same menial job every day without end. I heard them
> call it the life
> > in which they choose to live and felt the heaviness in their
> words like a
> > brick on my back. I have been in New Jersey for 16 years, but
> I have not
> > lived there. For me, there is no living in the 3rd state of
> America.>
> >
> >
> > *Brown Question 2: *We all exist within communities or groups
> of various
> > sizes, origins, and purposes; pick one and tell us why it is
> important to
> > you, and how it has shaped you. (150 word limit)
> >
> >
> > I am a part of the artistic community because it allows me to
> see that I
> > am not a good person, but gives me the opportunity to be a
> great person
> > through art. Art is transformative for both the maker and the
> viewer. I
> > love the versatile nature of artists; always evolving and
> adapting into the
> > world as it changes. Nay, I would go as for to say that the
> world changes
> > because art makes it change. I keep finding that the barrier
> between artist
> > and art is constantly being re-defined every passing day. Art is
> > collaborative in every sense of the word: because we discover
> ourselves> through art. by surrounding myself with art, I absorb
> the ability to do as
> > such: to always be changing, to always being re-defining
> everything, and to
> > always be involved in collaboration with other individuals.
> Art is
> > the application of human creativity, skill, and imagination.
> By being a
> > part of a society that embraces this definition to the point
> where they
> > are the definition, is truly humbling as a human being. To do
> art, is to be
> > human. Being an artist is the most human thing I could
> possibly think of,
> > and what greater group to belong to than the human race itself.
> >
> >
> > *Brown Question 3: *Why are you drawn to the area(s) of study you
> > indicated in our Member Section, earlier in this application?
> (150 word
> > limit)
> >
> >
> > I have always been enthralled with the written language. I
> consumed words
> > like food in my early ages. I drank them in as if they were
> ambrosia and
> > let the run-on sentence trickle down my cheeks, yet my hunger
> was never
> > satisfied with the verses I was given. As I grew older my
> desire for prose
> > followed my evolution exponentially, yet the more I craved the
> less I was
> > able to attain, and yet, my hands never stopped holding
> themselves out
> > asking: “Please sir, may I have some more?” Therefore when I
> was given
> > nothing and left to my own devises, I came to the conclusion
> that if I
> > could not find the words to mollify me I would have to create
> my own. I
> > wrote on laptops, and napkins, and notepads, and walls. Any
> surface that
> > would hold ink, would hold my words. Even those nights when I
> would run out
> > of ink or break the pen from pushing to hard into the paper: I
> would find
> > other means to get my messages across. I would press my
> fingertips into the
> > keyboard so fast and so hard sometimes, that the skin would
> split and
> > create a red coat over my keyboard. The literature was always
> worth it: The
> > plays and the words were always worth the blisters and the
> head-aches.
> >

(sorry, its copied from an email---so ya)


DAILY GOAL: umm---set up for party?


I'm a horrible artist. I did nothing really artistic today. Because I'm throwing a Halloween party for 98% of MCVTS and I'm going to count that as something artistic.

Sometimes you need a day off because everything sucks, and your a highschool teenager and life wants to kill you.
So ya---
there's that.

The party is going to be AWESOME and there has been a lot of thought and work put into it so I guesss that is also work effort.

Point is: I don't want to fail.

I know you will judge me.
Harshly, cruely.

But I will stand by that statement that I could use a day off from artist-ing. I art every day and I deserve some peace.
"take a day for yourself".



That's all I got.


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