Sunday, October 13, 2013

October 7th, 2013 --- October 11th, 2013

AN: So I'm not sure if this is posting because I am currently not home with wifi. Fingers crossed! I'll try and upload my photos as soon as I can get some wifi.

PG= 100

DAILY GOAL: Thinking


Now: n't count: but I know it does. In class we discussed the many plot holes in my play, Everyone Named Sara Dies: and I had a lot to think about! i need to figure out a way to add the underlining, tying, theme of unity and youth, while still making it hysterical. I needed to figure out my pr tagonist and their conflicts and created a tiny triangle map:

SAM --- sister-----GIRL
GIRL---  lovers --- CAIN
CAIN--- haters----- SAM

BAM! plot, theme, spine, comedy: figured it out. So my play is going over a cosmetic makeover, and i am LITERALLY starting from scratch. I just needed a day to figure it out: i'm gonig to try and keep the key events, but i'm willing to move things around. I think if I create these very extreme relationships between SAM and CAIN, and GIRL and CAIN-- it may work. Hopefully, I can pull it off.


DAILY GOAL: begin plan discussed on monday

ACHIEVED: yes/no.

So I have a good start---- it is no where near done, but I have a good start. I kinda created the needy child complex with Sam as in she needs her sister's attention and Cain is her road-block, and that Girl needs cain because she wants more protection, plus people, and Cain is pretty sexy (nothing stops teenage hormones. Not even the zombie apocolypse). Only issue is: I still don't know what CAIN wants-- I mean, I know he wants GIRL but I don't know what he has to loose--- besides the girl.... I mean, I guess that is good stakes: but Cain is kinda a big jerk. So I don't know: i may have to change his chracter-- grr. Why couldn't I jsut become a techy.

In another part of the universe: I started writing my webseries: SWAGSPEARE. I've been wanting to do something like this for a really long time, and I think this is my big year to do it. My mission statement is to write a script on all (100something) shakespeare plays, summerize/highlight the key elements in under 60seconds, using "hilarious modern lingo". So far I only have 4 episodes,  but I think its really good! But then again, we've established that I'm blind so--- who knows! Hoping for the best.
Also, if I'm being honest--- I think I need todo this jsut incase my play sucks--- I'm terrified of it sucking. I don't want to fail my fellow seniors and give Seb a horrible play. I can't please everyone, but to please myself I at least need to try and please the people that are important. This is, of course, my director. I don't know: i'll figure it out. Maybe add a few short episodes in there to raise a grade.


DAILY GOAL: help Jillian sing better


Jillian is a pretty good singer. She tries, she does her excersizes--- but we've hit a bit of a tiff. Jillian doesn't take risks. If I don't tell her exactly how to do something, she is afraid to find her own way. And I see this alot in her character. She sits at my table, and durring classes like script analysis she discusses with me and is very bright: but the minute someone asks her to say it to the group or what she thinks--- she goes all dear in the headlights! It bothers me SOOOO mcuh! She is smart, and if she keeps working at it,m she will be VERY talented--- but she is too terrified./ She needs to get out of the way---of herself---if that makes sense.
I see alot of me in her. Except opposite---if that makes sense. Where I was, freshmen year ,always hogging the spotlight, I think she is shy and scared of the spotlight. Just like me freshmen year: we are our worst enemies. We over think and over-rationalize things. Where I would over think that if I don't jump at every chanceit will pass me, she thinks that if you she doesn't say anything she cannot get hurt. She calls herself a perfectionist (she's not, I know: i'm a perfectionist. OCD QUEEN), but she's not willing to fail to get to her perfection.
I refuse to give up on her: i am going to make her fail at something in public: THEN SHE CAN GROW TO THE HEIGHTS OF GODS! (wow, powerful metephors: bring it back in Hayley).

She told me that she is scared of failure.
You never learn anything from sucess. It is failure that is the greatest educator of all.
Many times the greatest sucesses are from failure:
Example: the post it, penasylin, glue, the french fry, most shows on FOX, and me.
I am one of the greatest products of failure: and I think myself to be a big sucess.
Sorry to make this all about me: (write what you know==)
I need to stop talking......


DAILY GOAL: register and begin application on Yale

ACHIEVED? Like a boss.

So YALE takes the common app. I did not know this until a few hours ago. In fact, all but one college on my list accept the common app.
I think I put off starting my application, because I was terrified of all the website I would hav eto go through: if you don't know me, I am a ludite. Just recently, I learned how to attach pictures to an email and how to comment on google docs. ADVANCED.
I got an account and filled out 87% of my applications.

I read up all on yale and brown and DePaul: and I honestly, can't wait to start!!!!



DAILY GOAL: continue work from TUESDAY

ACHIEVED? well--- I showed up.

I'm blaming my daomon/genuis on this one. I showed up: nothing. I tried to work out things, but I think I'm still married to my SNLish script.
I'm trying to write well, I'm trying to grow-- but its hard. i've never re-written anything so much in my entire life and it's taking a toll on me. So I moved onto my Swagspeare project.

It bothers me that my side project is blossoming, while my grade work is plumiting. I just want to be a good artist: that's all. I want to contribut eto conversations, and do it honestly:


On another note, I showed my few episodes to a few people: and it's really picking up steam! I got up to 10 episodes, including a guest episode on Edgar Allan Bro (and latter, Mark Twerk: "hunk"leberry finn). I also started figuring out location, shot sheet and everything for our first episode: Romeo & Juliet.

I really wanted to cast brett, but his conflicts limit him until November: it doesn't seem very far away, but I need to start on this now. November will be the beginging of the end on Senior Showcase.
So I'm going to apporach Kenny & Nicola on tuesday for filming at my house next week.

Only missing thing is: CAMERA.

I want to ask Hannah if I can borrow her Cannon, but I don't think that's gonig to go so well--- SO i am going to perhaps call A favor from my dear good friend Sam in the film program..... =)

I really think I'm onto something big: I jsut wish all this was going into my senior showcase play.

Any art is good art: i'll take what I can get.


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