Sunday, October 6, 2013

September 9/30/2013 --- October 10/4/2013

PG= 100

DAILY GOAL: Submit Everyone Named Sara Dies to City Theatre, Not die, Write a synopsis and SPELL EVERYTHING CORRECTLY.


So I re-submitted my play through their new online submissions program. That was fun. I had to walk Rachel's brother through the submissions because Rachel is out of commission (hope she gets better). I was really shocked at how long my artistic bio was: I was like--- I did things! It came to be around half a page and to that--- I narcissistically pay myself on the back. 

(there is no before and after so here are some pictures)


DAILY GOAL: finish ENSD for the last damn time


So I feel really really really really good about this new draft. Aladren wasn't here today so in senior shop we read through everything for senior showcase and did very detailed feedback. I basically erased everything after they broke Cain's foot. So I pondered about how to keep the realness of the beginning, while also keeping that parody feel to it. 
I found a really cool in between area: and to be honest: I really could not have done it anywhere else but the theatre room. My Deamone lives there: we started balling out ideas an it just hit like a tidal wave---- I'm really excited for this draft.
I also realized that I think Sam's story isn't of trying to be like her sister, but to be an individual of her own ALLONG side her sister. Like---I just hit a tender spot with her at the end and I think I hit all the right notes. We'll find out tomarrow! Hopefully, this is be the last draft so I can start on more important things like college essays and senior showcase money fundraising and budgets---- My OCD wont let me go out of order. 
Point black: had a great creative day. 




DAILY GOAL: start at least one essay.


So I started some college essays in class today: my common app essay and then. A short quip for Brown. Hopefully I can continue, my 150 word brown essay is pretty bad: but I think I got something with my commo app. 

The year I turned seven was the year when everything I touched died. That nostalgic November of 2006, my great grandma Leah pasted away on my birthday.  I always envisioned November as the month of decadence, but it quickly turned into 30 days of death. Seeing my father slumped in his leather office chair sobbing broke my birthday girl spirit. No one should be crying at 4 in the afternoon, they should be blowing out candles and opening wrapped gifts; and sitting on my mothers lap as she tried effortlessly to explain what death was, I escaped the moment and her words to trail off selfishly to the thought of what my birthday could have been. When I was asked if I had any questions, I only replied “When can I have my birthday cake?”

Later in the week, my cat of 18 years died in my arms on the basement floor. My mother turned away as I stared at the carcass that had died so slowly of old age and heart failure. My mother demanded that he should be buried with love because she loved him so much and it pained her to see him leave. I only demanded another cat.

It wasn’t until January that I finally understood what a death was. Learning about the American Gangsters Cagney and Lacy--- I began to break down in the middle of 4th grade American History Class. Cagney was my cat that slept at the edge of my bed every night. He purred so loudly that I found myself being unable to sleep without the loud rumbling next to my ear. That night after my temper-tantrum in school, I found myself sleeping for the first time in 3 months, yet I also found myself dreamless. It is a scary thought to be unable to sleep, but an even scarier reality when you can no longer dream.

After that, I became obsessed with loss. Obsessed with understanding it and figuring out how to stop it. I read every book, listened to every audiotape, watched every film ever made on death--- all to no avail. There was no answer to my question: how does one prevent death. People have told me that you can prolong it by staying healthy, sleeping well, and not doing drugs. Although those can extend one’s life, it was a false fact and not the answer I was searching for. The answer finally came to me in another visionless night. Art is the only way one can avoid death. It conserves the mind, it voices the spirit, and it consumes the physical being. Art is not a factor of life: art is life. So when the 8th birthday comes around, and my pet goldfish is murdered I will morn my loss. I will understand it, and I will make some abstract surreal painting on how the death of MultonMilkEye The III has changed me; and I will use it to change others. Death is no longer my identity. True, death is a part of me as it is a part of everyone: but it no longer defies me. Art is my definition.

I love the glamour of fantasy. I find myself most at home when am far from home. The community that I was raised in was not the Jewish bourgeoisie neighborhood where lived, but rather the human chessboard in Queen Elizabeth’s royal court. I am a bit of a huge nerd, and my community of fellow geeks can assure you of it. We dwell in the lands of fantasy and we rule the renaissance faire. The best part about being in a group of such imaginative individuals is that there are no limits in the mind. If you can imagine it, you can make it happen. So today I may be a sword-dwelling Orc, or Lady Gwendolyn the VII, but I always know that no matter who I am—I am being true to me.  My community of cosplayers make me a better person: in fantasy and in reality.


DAILY GOAL: Nyasia and stuff


So went on an AMAZING field trip with MCVTS to see PROOF at McCarter (congrats to kimani and Xxavier for getting Into the McCarter youth company!!) 
I got to talk to Paula, the educational god there who is at every single matinee. She coordinates very thing and I just love her: she's a playwrighting coach and she is just stunning. Literally, she's boss. Hope to talk to her more when we see her at fences.
After that Nyasia came home with me and we had a sleepover where we studied for or SAT's and watched Wes Anderson interviews and a web series called HIPSTERHOOD. So basically--out blog is getting cultural. We discussed senior showcase plays and how to fix certain elements (aka my spelling). 

So basically--- we bonded and learned things and became rounded artists. Nyasia took our study SELFIES as proof but I forgot to ask her to send them I me so I could post it------ they're out there somewhere.


DAILY GOAL: work on pronounciation with Jillian


Before I start this, Imma just say Jillian has improved SOOOOOOOOOO much since our first lesson. She is doing her excersize a and it really shows! She extended her range from her highest note being c# to E. 
so I started her on some more excersizes: I give her a vowel scale to practice and several tounge twisters to loosen her jaw up. Also, I know I'm not supposed to start her on a song, but I picked a really easy one for her to practice hitting notes. She always misses A (I don't know why, but she can never hit it) so I got her singing in the key of A I a simple well known song just to try it out. She has a good voice , but is very breathy in phrasing so I got her working on that as well. Hope she progresses even more- glad to be working with her :)

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