Wednesday, January 29, 2014


So I am freaking out about what to do for the spoken word for senior showcase: so here I go! JUST WRITING!
NO "stopping" (focus on a topic, don't stop unless I get off topic. If I stop then i move on).

TITLE: To Superman, From a Batman Fangirl

Dear Superman,
The day you dawned that cape you took an oath to me and other outsiders to always protect---and you have broken that promise. You have broken that promise, you have turned the velvet red, into one of dark and deep bloodshed. You have thrown away the underwear, you have turned your baby blue into one of navy and sorrow. I have seen you smile on the big screen, and I can see that it's only in the script and not in your skin--- true, you may have the body of a god, but you are not a god. You are a man, you are a SUPERman--- start acting like it.
The day you said you wanted to be a hero, you went out and saved a girl like me. Swept her off her feet, and held her and never let go. Said that you were hero superman, and the she was your krypton. Now, she is just the side character-- the serious and grimm--- prison of zodd. Snooping and drooping into the scenery, bland and banal--- that is not the Lois Lane I know from the pages I grew up with.
I sat and watched you take my childhood in your hands and crush it into dust--- you tell me that the "S" is a symbol of "Hope" on your planet? You don't know your planet, You are not Hopeman, you are superman-- I can't find a single super thing about you. Wherever you go, you leave destruction and mayhem--- I look up to the sky and I don't see a bird, I don't see a plane, I don't see you--- you who is supposed to be a savior-- maybe I'm just nit-picking---but maybe I'm broken beyond repair, Maybe I shouldn't have put my heart in your hands and bought tickets to see your movie with a boy I thought was my superman. Maybe I shouldn't have let him drive me home, Maybe I shouldn't have let his lips touch mine and let him burn inside my throat---maybe I shouldn't have let him put his hand slightly on the edge of my shirt and then under---- I don't believe in superhero's anymore. They don't save people, real people like me. I wanted you to, I sincerely wanted you to lift me up into the stars and tell me that you were going to be there. I guess that's why I like batman, because at least he was honest enough to tell me that I was far beyond saving. That at least he told me that it wasn't real---that superhero's don't exist--that it's just someone in a costume. You are someone in the skin of a superman, and I just want to be saved---- who's coming to save me---- who's coming to save me?


This is am angry poem. the end rage.

TITLE: I miss you, so fuck off

You text me. You text me saying "I miss my sweater". You text me saying "I miss my sweater" 4 months of nothing and then " I miss my sweater". Followed by " I miss you more". It brakes my heart because 4 months, I have finally moved on and then a text ruins it all.
This is boring--fuck emtions.
Text: Go the fuck away. <3


The man said Frankenstein.
It stuck to my mind like gum---rolled around like a record, and broke my heart like it was made of glass. Frankenstein-----Jewish?
Frankenstein. Fear. Frankenstein. Novel. Frankenstein. Lady.
Frankenstein. Monster.
I may have been three or nearly four,
but I remember that note on my door,
written in glitter sticks and I hate" You. Are.A.MONSTER".
I never found them under my bed---
I found them trapped inside my fingertips,
That time I pushed you down the stairs and meant it.
Did you check for me last night?
I wasn't in the closet.
I don't believe in walls, I don't believe in doors.
I believe in pathways and wormholes.
I believe in ghosts, and ghouls, and fairies, and mermaids, and unicorns, and good people, and MONSTERS.

Don't tell me their not real.

Frankenstein is not a myth,
I have seen the skin sowed onto other skin,
beautiful and disturbing lying on that slab
like you laid on the floor at the base of those 32 steps---
you fell like an angel.
Broken and twisted angel,
A fallen angel--- what a lovely metaphor.
You didn't fall though, you were pushed.
Sometimes people need a little push---
that's what you get for provoking a monster.
Didn't people tell you not to feed the animals in the zoo?
I eat people like you for breakfast.
I can take your heart and grind it into a protein shake before lunch,
And I will do it without thinking twice-
I am NOT a victim of circumstance.

The day I stopped caring about the voices in my head,
was the day I discovered that monster are men---
I don't care if you're sleeping on the bed or under it:
Come as you are,
Come to me so I can hold you
and break you
I have been told for the longest time that monsters are bad,
but I don't believe it.
It happens--like nature.
Do you yell at a lion for killing a gazelle?
Or for a cat that eats away at a mouse?
I take you into my paws and I destroy your hopes,
like a storm I will take away everything
leave roller coasters in the ocean
A force to be reckoned with
Please don't try to stop me it will only make me angry
"you wouldn't like me when I'm angry"
I don't want to be angry,
I just want for once to stretch my arms out
across the universe and touch something without it breaking
I want to put my lips against your cheek
and when I pull away, I don't want there to be burn marks.
I don't want to be in the closet anymore---
I don't want to hide in the corner,
no more monsters---
Monster  is a stretch of a name.
 Then again being called "lesbo" or "faggot" isn't much better.
But I'm not a Frankenstein, mark that.
I am not made of other people's thoughts or feelings---
I am made of me,
and so help me god, or whoever is up there
I will be made of me
and no one can put that truth in a bottle.
Call me a monster if you want
Bring your torches to my chamber
Knock down that castle door;
Call me a monster to my face
Start the storm
Poke the animal in the cage

1 comment:


    i know theyre all poetry, but i think they kind of go hand in hand? for inspiration. i know these all got me really inspired when i watched.
