Friday, January 10, 2014

January 6th, 2014---- January 10th,2014


Objective: Work on Website/online portfolio/presence

Accomplished? Yes. 

So today I am spell checking my website. It seems like something that can be done easy, but for me it is not. It is a long, very stressful process---I spelled my name wrong twice. GAH- why. I think something is wrong with my brain---maybe I just type to fast. A lot of my letters are there but they are backwards so instead of spelling "the" I would spell "teh", "Just" turns into "Jsut", and "Hayley" turns into "Halyey ". 

My website is ready for launch: I just want to get a second pair of eyes on it to make sure I have everything done correctly. 


I had my internship in NYC today---I had to pitch play ideas for a commission--- I was very shocked at the results, the play that I thought they would want me to write was the play they discouraged me to write-- (not discouraged, but----I'm moving on). They said that my idea on writing a comedy about a man who challenges death to a chess game and then wins--- was too easy for me. I do comedy a lot, and I think that I am fairly decent at it----- the idea in which they wanted me to write is a bit more out of my comfort zone. I had this idea a while ago to write on the theme/idea/question on weather or not we should hide behind our masks and appease to be safe, or weather or not we should discard our masks and be ourselves at risk. Or weather or not that risk was worth it. I came up with the metaphor of superheros to show how people can wear masks and save people and themselves at the same time---- 
SO---the play----is about a group of friends that sneak out to a costume contest club on Halloween Night, 2001----a month after the twin towers has fallen. I think it is a very interesting milieu---but I'm worried that I won't do it justice. I tend to make tender, dramatic---and I want to show what societal fear affects us as people. Hopefully it will all turn out well. 

To get into writing these characters--I made character sheets for myself. I found this simple character base and made some people for my play--- so I thought I'd drop them down here. =)


OBJECTIVE- Rehearsal today,  then work on Swagspeare changes

Acheived? Yes.

Started to put in some of the found thingys--- started a folder of inspo and research pictures. Seen on Docs located in the senior showcase '14 file. 

Went to a board meeting with Crystal Skillman, Ms. Aladren, and Nyasia Dyre: Does that count as extra credit? 

Anyway---it was lovely, and it is always amazing when I get to see Crystal Skillman. 

ALSO-side note----my re-edited book came out today! woot woot! Buy my book so I can get $7 royalties and go to college! 


I gave a voice lesson to Kimani afterschool---- she did well. I just I wish she would try a bit---she tries hard at everything, but insists that she cannot work in her mask. Which is a lie. Right now, she is having trouble---but its not impossible. If she practices what I try to tell her, she can do well and even great. 

She needs to open her mind---that is all my notes. 
Going to Panera now.



Then I finished up my fixes on Swagspeare--- now titled NEW VERSION OF SWAGSPEARE, located in google docs Senior Showcase '14 folder.

Oh---and I um---I also started to semi-stalk Dr.Condee---I listened to his lecture on Global Artistic Interspaces---- still processing. Incredibly intelligent man.

That was my week! 

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