Friday, September 23, 2011

nothin 2 say


The Pretty Project Is doing great! (thanks for asking. ...oh cyber sarcasm!) XP. I really miss this blogg! I have been working on my spelling, btw...but i don't think i'm improving...Oh wellz! <3

So anywhoooo...Thinking about writing more music. Aparently Britanny (new girl in class) can sing really i'm gonna go have to hasve alittle talk with her..and by talk I mean sing.
I'm not gonna lie...i feel as if my voice is really all i have that i like. I mean, singing wise..not talking wise. I'm too loud, BUT I CANT CONTROL IT!!!!

So ya. Started writing a wierd musical, music is great! Script? no so much....oh wellz! XP
goon ajust keeping pushing. <3

See you all soon,
Hayley Michelle

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blah blah blah Blurrr


Hola! I literally had no idea what to put it "title" so i just put down stuff. XP

Miss you alL! And going to miss you all very soon. Although i LOVE this blog, i am gonig to start focussing more on my profesional blog

The Pretty Project

Which i am STILL begging you all to fallow. Make a diffrence one blog at a time. <3

HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! this does not mean i'm abbondoning this bloog.OH NO! This blog really is my first really "writing experience " i will never stop writing here. Its my first home. All im basically doing is buying a summer home. Or...fall get the piont!

So please fallow my new blog link below!

Today was awsome, however i was mainly shocked that many people did-not get the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" from the beatles.
hello!!!! But oh well, it was still agr eat clas. I got to act, i loved to read everyone elsese plays! So much fun!

Hayley Michelle

Thursday, September 15, 2011



You will never belive what just happened!
 So remeber that guy, you know the hot jewish one that was a singer i almost dated last year? WELLL...i just got offered his job in my ex-guitarists band.

Hahaha, oh small world. <3333

Hayley Michelle

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The new blog" The Pretty Project" is now offically up. That os going to be my blog that i ahd talked about in my last post. It would mean the world to me if you all subscribe. The link is bellow. FALLW THE PROJECT!!!

Also, i just want to clarify EXACTLY what the blog is about. It is about changing the world, one girl at time. You know. Telling their stories of what happened to them and how people impacted them: good and bad. I want to use my power in the arts, although little and probably insignificent: to make a diffrence. I want to tell those stories and help those girls. Maybe we all deserve a happily ever after; all we have to do is lend a hand, make a friend, and smile.

Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Making a diffrence. Please read if you want to change the world: one girl at a time.

PG=100 (again?! Oh oh...get ready for some shiz to go down).

Today in Theatre we brefly talked about blogs. Ms. Aladren talked about us using our blogs to stand for what we believe in. Making a diffrence. And that really touched me, on a deep personal level.
I take my blog very un-seriously. Its not a joke. Its life. It's fun...its quirky. It's me.
But Ms.Aladren really opened my eyes to see what i can do. I could use a blog to be entertaining: to me and to others.

Or i can make a diffrence.

I've had some stuff going on with me for quite a while, actually. It's always been on my mind; what i'm about to say.

I think i really started to get serious about it when i was in RSAC. I was having the time of my life, until i reached one of my all time lows back at RSAC. I was really ashamed, i had to have Marshall come talk to was just a train wreck. I couldn't stop crying.

I had finally had the epiphany that i was un-wanted by everybody else at RSAC. It was a great experience for me...on a proffesional level. Personally, it was like going back to my old school.
I sat by myself most of the time. I tried to keep quite, you know..hopeing maybe that i wouldn't annoy everyone like i usally do. But i somehow managed to get everyone to hate me. It was later in the 2nd week, begginging of the third when the comments started to get to me. I heard things, at first i thought i was just paraniod. You know, those tiny sly remarks about "how her but looks dino in those shorts" and "Why no one wants to be workng with her". It was just really depressing. Plus i was having troubles with my room -mate.
We started off really well, but then suddenly she decided to hate me and knit-pick at every little thing I did. Like, the way i work until the crack of dawn, while she paints her nails and cries on the phone to her parents about me "ruining her life" while i'm in the room! And how i get up early to shower so i dont have to fight everyone else for the know? She was dead asleep...but she still complained about how i "bullied her, and anoyyed her with my constant working". I cut my guitar and vocie practice down from 5 hours a day  to 10 minutes a week...and then she got worse and worse. (Marshall was also involved in this...but everyone sided with me when it came to this). But she really did make my life a living hell...and on top of was just...hell!
But i got throguh it.
I reallyized that I had felt like Sh*% because i lack self asteem.

I have the biggest drive in the world, but i don't have the self- asteem to back it up. 

But i want to make a change. I want to be someone, to help people who belive that they are no one.

When i was little, i was always picked on. Bullied. I mean, its gotten worse over the years...But when i was young all i wanted to do was sing. And with my singing, i thoghut that i could change the world and make it better. A place where a girl can sing, and not be a size 0. Where a girl can stand up for her belives and not have rocks thrown at her. A place for those quirky, girls who don't think they're beautiful. i dreamed of a palce where we were all beautiful.

I haven't lost that drive...its just evolved into something less of its self. Like its entirely diffrent from when it used to be. I want that back...that drive. I would do anything to get that back.

I used to be a quirky confident girl who knew she was going to change the world.
Now i'm a quirky girl who wants to be what i was before i let the world get to me.

Personally, i think there is no going back to what i was. I've passed the piont of no return, and then some.
But i know girls that do not belive that they're beautiful, and talented, and powerful. They are.
Every girl is powerful.

I want to help.

So when i was off at RSAC, i came up with this idea...that sometime in the future I WILL, have a non-profit organization that works with girls to help improve self image and help those talented girl suceed in their dreams. No matter what it's going to coast me. I want to go to them, and help make heir dreams come true; make them feel wanted. Something that was never really done for me.

I want the world to see, what they dont. I want them to see the beautiful, talented, POWERFUL girls.

I dreamed that i one day would start " The Pretty Project".

A project dedicated to changing self image to not wanting to be that starving girl on the magazine.
I want to change it to girls wanting to be themselves.

It know this blog sounds repetitive, and is. But its worth saying. Its worth something to me.
I felt like it was something worth sharing...
So..starting soon, hopefully..I am going to create ANOTHER blog which i all hope you fallow.

It will be a blog dedicated soley to "the Pretty Project". And it will be articles about girls that are mis-fortunate enough to not have that self-asteem, and how so many pay...and also those girls who were like me and many others i know...Girls that overcame their mountians and vallies. Girls that became someone and did something. And hopefully, in the will be about how i have, or anyone i know..helped those girls who could have been mis-fortunate. Helped them become pretty. Inside and out.

Thank you for your time if you actually read this. It really means alot to me. Please, if you would be so kind respond to this..or send it people. Make a diffrence not be a dream. Help make it real.

Hayley Michelle

Agga..oh i give up!

JOURNAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333

So anywho...continueing to read Ag. (my new abriviasion so i don't look like TOO much of an idiot).<3. We discussed it in Theatre today, and it was very enlighting. We talking about the fall of Troy and how the lighted torches travled all the way from Turkey to Greece. <3
I find it rather facinitating. In terms, it s acient Instant Messaging. Or in this term...not so instant messaging. It frankly too very long for it to travle. But wild fire spreads like wild fire.....lmfao, did i just try to make up a metephore? Wow, am i lame. XP
ANYWHORE, Ag. is very interesting. Mainly i want to punch out the chorus because they talk EVEN MORE THN ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know...shocking right? But however, it is true.

Hayley Michelle

Boys are like knots. They're always in my hair and i want them GONE FOR GOOD.


Ok, boy drama is coming to a climax...talking to out with him as we speak on FB. this should be interesting...hold on...

Going to be late to school on tursday. Looking into Jaw/Cheek bone surgury. so...ya. Today was a terrible, painful day.

I have come to the deccision that fitness is not my friend. When i sit down i make that "old person" sound. I ache from my upper rib cage to my belly button and out to my dino-sized hips. Summary: It sucks.
I cant laugh because it hurts.
Therefore, Fitness wants me to die.
lmfao, but seriously; major pain goin on now. EVEN AS WE SPEAKKKK.

Today was a cool history lesson, but i just want it to be friday! EEE! PLAY WRITIN! Hopefully my play i want to hand in will be done before that, or i can at least have it DONE by friday. <3 so ya. <333

Hayley Michelle

Monday, September 12, 2011

Aggamamen!#!*_ (CANT SPELL!!! AHHHH!!!)

This is a journal: I CANT SPELLLLLLLLLL AG(#&@)@#@^!!!!!!!!!!

I am now deppressed. =(

However, i have read the greek tale of AggaR#*RQ)&# and i'm VERY fond of it! <3

Personally i think its more Cassandra's tale. For Its worth... i know more about...Cassandra, a daughter of a Priam.

Cassandra fell asleep in the temple of Apollo. She was a beautiful young woman , and her beauty roused the lust of Apollo, who appeared before her. He promised to teach her the art of prophecy in return for sexual favors. Cassandra agreed to his terms, but after accepting the gift of prophecy, she denied him her body, going back on their bargain. Apollo was outraged and added a condition to the gift: though Cassandra would always speak the truth, no one would ever believe her. He begged Cassandra to give him one last kiss, and as she did so, he spat into her mouth, and when he backed away from her, the curse was planted. Some versions of this myth lean toward the idea of Cassandra convincing Apollo to teach her how to prophesy after he asked her to sleep with him as a return favor, but the point remains that she backed out on her end of the bargain, and was forever cursed.

Either way: SUMMARY:  someone is a cursed cowardly slut, and the other is my favorite god of all time because he is so shinny like the sun (and god of it too!)...ya. XP
lmfao. anywhooooooo....XP.... GETTING BACK ON TOPIC! ya, thats a good idea...

The story goes that Cassandra for-sought Agga#%#*&'s murder by his wife (other name i cannot spell that starts with a C). She had gone to warn him, (of corse, he didn't belive her), and in the end they were both HORRIDLY MURDERED IN A BATH TUB BY QUEEN C&#*&!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE BLOODY END! <3 <3 <3 <3

Hayley Michelle

Boys are stupid, therfore the answer is 3.

PG=100 (official first day of blogging! yay!)

Ok. Excited and pissed and sad ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!

I don't get boys. I mean, usally  i do, but this particular boy is acting like a CHICK ON HER PERIOD!

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr face. X(

Anywho, He complements me and trys to go on dates with me. And always walks me to my classes even though he doesn't have to, and he texts me NON-STOP. So i kissed on Friday.

We had a date to go hang at the mall on Tuesday. He calcles it on Sunday. THEN he aviods me ALL DAY, like..if i'm having a conversation with someone he'll just go up to them and say "Hey (insert name in here that is not Emily) I like your hair!" Hugs her, and keeps walking without even looking at me! And then he does not come to my locker. And does not hang out with me in gym (i got my gym switched to his for lab), and he walks by me with other girls COMPLETELY IGNORING!
AND NOT A SINGLE TEXT ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BOYSSSSS ARE SO ANNYOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think its because....i actually don't know. I don't understand why people would jsut RANDOMLY STOP LIKEING ME!

WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ifeel un-loved. Red-alert.


But getting to happier news; Math was fun. My friend proved to me that 1+ 1 DOES NOT equal window. She proved that it does infact, equal 3.

Lmfao, MATH GENUIS! (hahaha. next week we're gonna prove that 2+2 = cat, not fish).
Also on the brighter side of the story, i had misner today.

It sucked, but who ever learned anything from sucsess!?!?!? Ya, thats right. NO ONE BUT FREDDIE MURUCRY!

(OH! Speaking of my husband<3..i finally got my T-shirt from donating to the Freddie Murucry Phenios  Chairity Organization for raising money to help prevent AIDS!)
(Its so awsome! It has my hubbie's face on it and says: "Livver of life, Singer of Songs" Which is on my Hubby's tomb! EEEE! FREDDIE!)

Ya. It was like everyone got: Your beautiful, and you have red earing, and "you have nice eyes".

But me? OHHH NOOOO! Why should i ever get a compliment right?! I get
"You annoy the fuck out of me!" was great. made me feel awsome. and oh! Here's another one of my favorites
"What happened to your eyebrows" Its a touchy subject, and i like..cried. (internally).

But ANYWHORE, It is Misner. its the honest truth, so i understand. We're all friends at the end of it all. It just SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
lmfao. (not really). But With the "you annoy the fuck out of me" I felt really alive and in the moment. I even said "fuck". I was so proud of myself for being terrible.

I let the I.D. out of me. Obviously, we all know that i'm stuck in EGO, but i was proud that my I.D. came out. XP

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....Adjenea came back today for a visit. And she is gonig to Canada next....

need I say any more on that topic? NO! MOVING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My cat is asleep on my keyboard. Its really hard to type, so i'm just gonna leave.
I'm not sure if we are blogging on the plays, but i will anyways

Hayley Michelle

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sacrifices must be made

PG=100 (doesnt start yet. I know...just...ya).


I have never been this embarressed/ashamed/in need of a good ass-whooping since i was little.

I need to start being serious.
I need to crack down the whip and be real.

I'm just lost so much right now.
I could use some guidence hear me out please:

I was supposed to work on my album(demo) know, rehersing music. Writing it down. He was also going to help me with my song book for auditioning and resume and stuff...
I LEFT EVERYTHING ON THE STAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I wanted to die..and thats not the worst!
So i hand wrote all my homeworkwith him..then i relized that i suck and i cant play guitar because i have no rythm , my timeing is always to fast, i miss read notes and my finger placment is always off.
Then my voice cracked in warm-ups, (not the good way), i couldn't stop yawning and then when i was guitar improving i broke a string.

So now my parents think that this "isn't for me" and maybe i should just stop because its a waste of time because im not good enough. and that i'm not improving enoguh...
And i want to say i am..but im not becuase im lazy and a terrible person.

They say they will continue me in this, but i have to start sacrificing things.
Like playwriting, and friends, and other important stuff to me.

I want to say i'll do it, becaseu i cannot live without my music..but i dont know.

Please help.

Hayley Michelle

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Im a rebel...OHHH YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PG=100 (still doesnt start yet, but i CANT HELP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

lmfao. Listening to my friends song "OHHH YA!!!!" its so bad that its AWSOME!!!

There is this 9 year oldi met at singer?\/song writing classes and he sings like Ethel Merman. and he is singing a Hard Rock song about a fat guy going to a buffet.
it just makes me happy. <3333

Anywhoo, Had i good day.
My friends from my old school made a surprise party for me! Today is there last "Summer Hurrah!" before they start their first offical year at the EB highschool. And they came to school today and got me to go for one last party!

oh was it interesting.

I had My friend Megan (from elementry school), my midget FAITHYYY, my Quazio Moflo Cheasley and my egplant Lauren, and my DOUCHEBAG STINKY FISH..DANNY.
Remeber him? Well...its fun to party. We're not friends, i still hate him..but he does good truth or dares!

We went to mall after "Singing and Dancing in the rain". (XP).
Then Lauren, who magically had a box of eddiments Choclate and Powdered Donuts, said "lets go try on Bra's!"

i got a picture of Danny in a bra. (haha, oh blackmail). And i did makeup on Megan, and Faith did mine.
then we ate donuts, and went to Spencers and i got some shorts and we all chipped in for a stripper pole. We're sending it to Megan's cousin for her birthday. <3 (inside joke...)
Then we saw a picture booth n took pictures. And then i walked 2 miles IN HEELS back to Faiths house and we all went swimming in her pool with all our clothes. Skinny jeans and all.
then we made a Bond Fire and i kinda blew it up. (XP)


Oh MwhahahahahahahahahHAHAhAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lmfao, Anyhoee...Ya. Lately i find that i've been a reble.

Like, i went to an amusment park (not 6 flags. im still banned), and you know those roller coasters taht you take pictures on when you go down a step climb/hill whatever thingy?
well me and my friend got a picture of us giving the camera the middle figer!
I shouldnt be proud of that, but i am because that was the first *Bad Ass* thing i've ever done! I NEVER flip the bird! (except jeffory Cantor class, but thats diffrent). And after that i've just been bad.
Like Today, i went for Chinse food with my parents..and there was a fish tank that said "DONT TAP THE FISH TANK"
GUESSS WAT!!...I tapped it.

Ya, im bad. TO THE BONEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I have to go do masks now, so TOO-DA-LOO

OH YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Hayley Michelle <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


We dont start Blogger offically until Monday, but its always  good to get ahead of the game! was my first OFFICAL day of school..n it was AWSOME!

Also looking foward to Reading the plays this year for Theatre! <3333

So anywhoo..i told Ms.Aladren that i would post on my Blog why they Double Spaced back in the ye' old days (XP) here it tis!!!!

Q: Why did they use DOuble Spaces after a period?

It is generally accepted that the practice of putting two spaces after a period (or other punctuation) at the end of a sentence is a carryover from the days of typewriters with monospaced typefaces. Two spaces, it was believed, made it easier to see where one sentence ended and the next began. Most typeset text, both before and after the typewriter, used a single space.
"The only time more than 1 space was used in a line of type was when we had to justify the line to the full margins."
Madisonhank, describing typesetting before digital type
Today, with the prevalence of proportionally spaced fonts, some believe that the practice is no longer necessary and even detrimental to the appearance of text.

(Rightfully stolen from

Hayley Michelle <3

Monday, September 5, 2011


PG=100 (sorry! cant help myself!)

Ok, so this was something i wrote back in RSAC. We had a writing workshop with Stephenie (insert last name that i cant remember). She was great, and our assighnment was to write the story of  our partner's "first Kiss". I was paried up with this girl, Chenelle, (she's cool), And this is her story, IN SHAKESPERIAN AMBIC PANTAMITER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (well twords the end, but all is in old english)<3333 (i is a genius)

My first kiss? What really is the first kiss? Is it the mother’s, when she lays them upon your forehead on the starry night of sole creation? Or the father’s, who greet you home with butterflies and Eskimo’s? Or does it belong to the first crush of noble youth. The first love to catch your fancy, and the first to see you back through the rose tinted glasses…yes. Upon this case in time, yes.

   Twas not too long ago, but far too distant to recall all detail. Youth eludes you when you need it most, in times of reminiscing and remembrance. But I remember the sum of it; the number adding more or less to the actual…the palace of knowledge upon papyrus and page is where the play take place. Playmates often turn to jesters in time of love’s game, and turn dreams to nightmares, secrets to truths. My eyes had rested upon his for time to long to measure, and devotion invisible became too desperate to sustain still. Upon companions of mine, knowing these sacred truths had spotted the key of my heart wandering upon isles of isles. Without my recognition, one had slipped away like grains of sand in my cellophane hand and had met in the median of the clustered shelves that isolated him from my place of being. And as the slithering snake parted her lips, words unbearable to my thought had begun to pour out. Upon what I had hoped would never know, he had discovered. My mates had urged us to share a holy palmer’s touch; but I no Juliet nor he any Romeo. Unrequited, was my biggest fear. Unrequited was what I was sure he had felt,, and so I fled; fueled on embarrassment, shame and the pain of my slowly cracking heart and kept my dreams of holy palmers touch to the attic of my cloudy mind.I had slowed down to a stop, and I leaned against a pillar. Oh, how I wished I could have been this pillar; tall and sturdy; unbreakable. Solitary and stationary, and never needing to feel the sting of the painful cupid arrow. Oh how I wish I could just disappear like rain in to the sky…but also I could not, nor I cannot.

So I sat there in my sorrow. I sat there until it felt like the hands of time had halted to a stop and every move I had made was slowed down, like walking completely submerged into water. Life would have gone on like that for me if not for his hands touching my face. My love had come after me, and for seconds we just leaned against the pillar. His gentle hand upon my face, brushed my wired hair away from my forever seeing eye. And almost like a movie, we had moved only moments and we touched. The softness of thine lips pressed against mine and my lips held on like fire to a candle-wick. But it was no fire. No fireworks or signs, but it was simple, plain and beautiful bliss. For first kiss, shouldn’t be confused with first love; and although I had called him love, it was not true.

  Friends are friends, and lovers are lovers; and we may love our friends but we must never forget that love is never a friend. So my first kiss, beautiful and lovely. I shared it with someone I love, but not in the idealistic way. I love him, I still do, but a friend’s love is all I ask of. Isn’t that the best? Love of a friend. It is better to be loved by a friend than any other, and a friend’s love can never truly die. Tis eternal like the sun, and although sometimes shines dim or dull, tis forever truly lovely and rare like the fall.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I BACK! IM BACK IM BACK!!1...Did i mention that IM BACK

Pg=100 (School hasnt started, but now i cant help but post that!)

I didnt post because i wasn't sure exactly what to say. ive been back for QUITE a while now...just waiting...for the moment....
I've learned a great amount of stuff at my time at RSAC, and i think i have...matured...ish. HAHAHA,
in person i am better, in my writing? IM PSYCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (hehehe...what?! I still want my hyper fun! Ill be quite...i promise...later. XP) things i learned at RSAC:

1. No one cares what you do, as long as it gets done.
2. Im bi-polar as FUDGE!
3. I have piano seperation angsiety.
4. I do not do well in "groups".
5. I am an old soul.
6. BO F*#%in WHO! (curtisy of Kevin Kittle <3)
7.  I am a writer/singer/songwriter. NOT AN ACTOR.
8. When i dont talk people still dont like me.
9. Im a smart ass.
10. I have issues. XP
11. Im too talented for this world. (that one i made up..but ya. its true)
12. I am also verry vain and seld centered. (working on it...starting tomarrow)
13., This is a very long list
14. it is also very depressing
15. maybe i should stop.
18. it goes
20. I love you. <3

Being away from writing was really hard for me. I mean, i tried hand writing. But i cant spell (i cant spell whats the diffrence again?)

I have done lots of writing and i cant wait for the school year to start.
I feel like i have started to find myself...sort of. & i look foward to starting a bette,r professional year.

New start.
Problem is,  i got rid of all my friends from school because they all suck and they never liked me anyways..So im going to be on the quest of FINDING MY SELF...all alone...
But really, its a quest that one must travle alone.
No one should know you better than you..unless you are the president of their fanclub. They should know you better.

Ive started writing my music, and taking it very seriously. But ive come to a fork in the road...

My "peers" are telling me that i have to decide between music and writing. they say i need "focuss on whats important. I do too much. I need to be perfect at one thing, rather than good at everything".

So its a decicion that is REALLY hard.
Any advise would be great right now...

Ok, will talk later...and post some writing i did while at RSAC.
So TA-TA for now....

Hayley Michelle <3