Monday, September 12, 2011

Boys are stupid, therfore the answer is 3.

PG=100 (official first day of blogging! yay!)

Ok. Excited and pissed and sad ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!

I don't get boys. I mean, usally  i do, but this particular boy is acting like a CHICK ON HER PERIOD!

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr face. X(

Anywho, He complements me and trys to go on dates with me. And always walks me to my classes even though he doesn't have to, and he texts me NON-STOP. So i kissed on Friday.

We had a date to go hang at the mall on Tuesday. He calcles it on Sunday. THEN he aviods me ALL DAY, like..if i'm having a conversation with someone he'll just go up to them and say "Hey (insert name in here that is not Emily) I like your hair!" Hugs her, and keeps walking without even looking at me! And then he does not come to my locker. And does not hang out with me in gym (i got my gym switched to his for lab), and he walks by me with other girls COMPLETELY IGNORING!
AND NOT A SINGLE TEXT ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BOYSSSSS ARE SO ANNYOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think its because....i actually don't know. I don't understand why people would jsut RANDOMLY STOP LIKEING ME!

WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ifeel un-loved. Red-alert.


But getting to happier news; Math was fun. My friend proved to me that 1+ 1 DOES NOT equal window. She proved that it does infact, equal 3.

Lmfao, MATH GENUIS! (hahaha. next week we're gonna prove that 2+2 = cat, not fish).
Also on the brighter side of the story, i had misner today.

It sucked, but who ever learned anything from sucsess!?!?!? Ya, thats right. NO ONE BUT FREDDIE MURUCRY!

(OH! Speaking of my husband<3..i finally got my T-shirt from donating to the Freddie Murucry Phenios  Chairity Organization for raising money to help prevent AIDS!)
(Its so awsome! It has my hubbie's face on it and says: "Livver of life, Singer of Songs" Which is on my Hubby's tomb! EEEE! FREDDIE!)

Ya. It was like everyone got: Your beautiful, and you have red earing, and "you have nice eyes".

But me? OHHH NOOOO! Why should i ever get a compliment right?! I get
"You annoy the fuck out of me!" was great. made me feel awsome. and oh! Here's another one of my favorites
"What happened to your eyebrows" Its a touchy subject, and i like..cried. (internally).

But ANYWHORE, It is Misner. its the honest truth, so i understand. We're all friends at the end of it all. It just SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
lmfao. (not really). But With the "you annoy the fuck out of me" I felt really alive and in the moment. I even said "fuck". I was so proud of myself for being terrible.

I let the I.D. out of me. Obviously, we all know that i'm stuck in EGO, but i was proud that my I.D. came out. XP

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....Adjenea came back today for a visit. And she is gonig to Canada next....

need I say any more on that topic? NO! MOVING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My cat is asleep on my keyboard. Its really hard to type, so i'm just gonna leave.
I'm not sure if we are blogging on the plays, but i will anyways

Hayley Michelle

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