Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Im a rebel...OHHH YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PG=100 (still doesnt start yet, but i CANT HELP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

lmfao. Listening to my friends song "OHHH YA!!!!" its so bad that its AWSOME!!!

There is this 9 year oldi met at singer?\/song writing classes and he sings like Ethel Merman. and he is singing a Hard Rock song about a fat guy going to a buffet.
it just makes me happy. <3333

Anywhoo, Had i good day.
My friends from my old school made a surprise party for me! Today is there last "Summer Hurrah!" before they start their first offical year at the EB highschool. And they came to school today and got me to go for one last party!

oh was it interesting.

I had My friend Megan (from elementry school), my midget FAITHYYY, my Quazio Moflo Cheasley and my egplant Lauren, and my DOUCHEBAG STINKY FISH..DANNY.
Remeber him? Well...its fun to party. We're not friends, i still hate him..but he does good truth or dares!

We went to mall after "Singing and Dancing in the rain". (XP).
Then Lauren, who magically had a box of eddiments Choclate and Powdered Donuts, said "lets go try on Bra's!"

i got a picture of Danny in a bra. (haha, oh blackmail). And i did makeup on Megan, and Faith did mine.
then we ate donuts, and went to Spencers and i got some shorts and we all chipped in for a stripper pole. We're sending it to Megan's cousin for her birthday. <3 (inside joke...)
Then we saw a picture booth n took pictures. And then i walked 2 miles IN HEELS back to Faiths house and we all went swimming in her pool with all our clothes. Skinny jeans and all.
then we made a Bond Fire and i kinda blew it up. (XP)


Oh MwhahahahahahahahahHAHAhAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lmfao, Anyhoee...Ya. Lately i find that i've been a reble.

Like, i went to an amusment park (not 6 flags. im still banned), and you know those roller coasters taht you take pictures on when you go down a step climb/hill whatever thingy?
well me and my friend got a picture of us giving the camera the middle figer!
I shouldnt be proud of that, but i am because that was the first *Bad Ass* thing i've ever done! I NEVER flip the bird! (except jeffory Cantor class, but thats diffrent). And after that i've just been bad.
Like Today, i went for Chinse food with my parents..and there was a fish tank that said "DONT TAP THE FISH TANK"
GUESSS WAT!!...I tapped it.

Ya, im bad. TO THE BONEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I have to go do masks now, so TOO-DA-LOO

OH YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Hayley Michelle <3 <3 <3

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