Sunday, April 24, 2011



i have to tell you about "hayley's death march of death".

So epcot, (aka: death march of dedathly death) was for.hayley.

So let me take a journey through all the worlds: (ending with an epic surprise for all!!!!)

MEXICO: land of the mayanas...and martinis. My mom decided to drink her way through the worlds, so Mexico is allllll about my mummy. My dad bought a sombrero, and i played in a mariachi band (guitar part). <3

NORWAY: Malestrom, is such an epic ride. Got lots of pictures with trolls and a viking oprea hat. (again, epic win for hayley).

CHINA: hayley got alllllooootttt of food. Shared pot stickers and honey-seseame chicken with her daddy, and then bought the entire store of cheap bracletes and jewlery.

GERMANY: Gavul! Mom enjoyed germany VERYYYYYY MUCH. (german beer= happy middle aged woman).

ITALY: Bonjorne! Italy was beautiful, and me being such  a good tourist, got pictures with everything. and i mean everything.

AMERICIA: Ok....(PS, Americia is the epitamy of all jokes for this blog, so please, if you are easly offended...than skip to thhe next country. thank you and have a majical day). What kind of conisided &%#%#& puts a land called "Americia" americia! You want to see amercia, guess what? YOUR IN AMERICIA ALREADY! The idea of the worlds was to try the cultures of the countires BESIDES AMERICIA! But what do they do? THEY PUT IN FUDGING AMERICIA! I was looking at the menue for americia (Faithy was hungry for a hamburger). It was so fattenting (hot dog, hamburger, fries. turkey leg). It looked more like Whale country instead of Americia. I was so ashamed. (THIS IS A TRIBUTE TO ALL NATIONS....BUT MAINLY AMERICIA). Seriously, put something INTERESETING ther istead of americia. I mean, you already have the hall of presidents and libirty center in the magic kindom. PLUS YOUR ALREADY IN FRICKEN, ya.

JAPAN: Got a pearl,and my dad bought a kimono. I dont understand why he could buy a kimono and not me...but its ok. I got pictures of my dad in a dress. XD all is fair in love and war.

MARRACCO: Marracco is beautiful. TEPcot was (and is) having a flower festival and it was so pretty. Marracco had butterfly utopia's and it was awsome. Many pictures will soon be coming your way.

FRANCE: A personal favorite of mine. I got the words to "La viene rose" by Edith Piaf. (can never spell her name right...) We ahve the same type of verbrato, so its a good song for me. I love france. Everything. The smell. Thje food. the people. Its were i truely belong. <3

UNITED KINGDOM: there were SOOOOOOOOO many people from brittian at disney (i met a guy from astrali too!). Anyway, went to a beatles tribute band, (awsome) also got picture with my favorite disney character ever: ALICE! (i had an alice costume on and i bought an alice doll) <3

Now....for the finally....the one...the only..... CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hayley hated canada. First smelled. (usally its england that smell due to the fish, but no. it was canada). I have nver met a country so boring. I went to see the Canada tribute movie they had as a "fun ride for all ages", and i fell asleep. It was SO BORING. My parents wanted to eat in canada, i didnt. I remeber last time i went there, they tricked me into eating a bunny. AND RIGHT AROUND EASTER TIME TOO! IS THAT HORRIBLE OR WHAT?!?!/ AND I THOUGHT I WAS SICK AND TWISTED< THOSE CANADIANS ARE OUT OF CONTROL! ITS A BUNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. (poor thumper, first bambi's mom and now him too? WHATS NEXT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!)
Also, Canada was in the flower festival too. There are no canadian princess, so they didnt really have anything interesting. And my friend had an allerigic reaction to cananda.

I wanted to by a canada shirt, as proof that i went to canada, but it was ugly and cheap. so....ya.

My feet hurt SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much, lmfao, ya. Epcot march of death is good for loosing calories, terrible if you like living.


Also did i mention the weather? OH MY GOD I THOGUHT I WAS GOING TO DIE. + humidity, the tempeture was 112. and i was wearing a dress. with a sweter cardigian thingy.... i was melting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I swear, you could fill an ocean with all that sweat. I dont understand how people in florida do it! Do they even breathe?

Going to google that now....ok. byeee. (lost my tran of thoguh, SQUIRELLL!!!!) 'hahaahah, ok, but seriously, i need to start un-packing.

see you all soon, (as in the next few hours)

Hayley Michelle <3

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