Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One of them.

Ok. so remember how i said iw as gonna do a little "creative writing" at least once a day? well, here it izzz!!!!!

This is a one of the scenes from my play, (work in process) "One of them":
kkz. here it iz. enjoy!

CARRISA: Everyone has to die eventually, dad! But when i die? When i "move to the country no travler retern from" ? I will be content in that death!

ANGER: Your not gonig back there.

CARRISA:  You can't do that.

ANGER:  Watch me. The only way your going back there is over my dead body.

CARRISA:  I'm fine with that.

ANGER: God, what the hell were you even thinking? I dont even know you anymore! You are a stranger in my presence! You...you are not my daughter.

CARRISA:  Dad....

ANGER:  Don't call me that! You lied, you tricked, you scammed, you....

CARRISA: I what? Lived? Fallowed my dream? Yes, if that's what i did so terrible, then yes. that's exactly what i did. I defied your "offical decree" that no child of yours can have a dream.

ANGER:  Dreams are things you only think to yourself in sleep! and when you wake up, they are gone.

CARRISA:  Then i want to be asleep forever! I never wanna wake up! When...when i'm there, i'm happy dad. Dont you want your little girl to be happy?

ANGER:  I want her to stay here, and study the bible, and go to the school we pay for, and get a good job working  for Mr.Liez and

CARRISA:  and what else? drop dead? I'm sorry...but i can't do that.

ANGER:  Then get out of my site! go somewhere, anywhere. go to your...country of...no returning..or whatever you said.

CARRISA:  It's shakespeare dad. The land no travler doth return from.

ANGER: Again, with the art! Just stop, Carrisa.


ANGER:  Enoguh with all of the art talk! We are simple people, Carrisa. We dont need any of that shit, and we wont tollorate it!

CARRISA: Who is we dad? you? Cuz i for one, am not part of that "we". i strongly disagree!

ANGER:  You want art? Go to hell and make art there. You can have all the art you want there.

CARRISA:  You dont understand! There is no heaven, nor hell! Its..its all just nowhereville! And there wll i die, i want to  retire to a little house on the edge of the sidewalk in the heart of nowerville.  i'll set down my own belongs by my bloody feet, tired of walking the harsh roads life bestowed infront of me. My back bone of strength. my heart of steel. my precious memoires. And when i look upon them...i dont want to see a dead girl. I want to see someone who lived. I'm sorry, dad, that i wasn't the golden child. I'm sorry im not the snooze-fest, studious christan girl you wanted me to be! I'm not going to be you!  I'm not going to be another clone, a zombie! I...i will be living, breathing, on the edge, existing! and you cant stop me!the dead have nothing on me. Your powers of decite and sorrow cant touch me. i am alive. and god damn me to say so, butr i will live forever! Even when i am gone. Ashes to ashes, dust in the wind. I will have lived on forever...and you will have never lived at all.

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