Wednesday, April 6, 2011



The class i have been dreading the most.
it has come like the pleague. Dark, and evil, terrifying and deadly.

I am not unhealthy, i am obease.
I am dreadinggggg telling everyone my wieght. i wont. cant i  lie?

i hate hate hate HATEEEEEEEEE talking about this...but it must be said.

I dont have an eating disord: i'm jsut wierd.

Jsut because i dont like eating, makes me have "anorexia" or "belemia" .
I dont like throw up.
its gross and damadges your vocal chords.

And i do eat....sometjimes not enoguh because i'm working, but i do in fact eat.

I hate eating. it makes me feel terrible.

To me, food is not a neccisity. It is a want.

I have been to fat camp before.

I have been to guidence a BILLION TIMES about this.

I have been called to the nurse TOO MANY TIMES TO REMEBER about this.

And yet, it has come again. Anually like a holiday celbrating canadian banjos and zombie and hobos and basketballs.

(scary right?)

But i also hate complaining about it.
Its the worst.
I dont want to be..."that girl"/
"that one, that leans on everyoe like a crutch"
"That girl that needs extra attention and help because she jsut cant get it"

But its so easy becoming that girl..and once you are her...i dont think you can change back.

I have so many issues with me...but an eating disorder is not one of them.
I understand that people are conserned, but most dont care.
I remember in my old school, when i was first develpoing the loss of all apitite, that i was looking for help. A way out...and i was talking to someone who i could tell anything to....and she said
"I thought anerexic girls were skinny".

So that is why i have cats instead of friends.

Most people turn to food as a savior.
Carl marx said "Religion is the opiet of the people".

But he was wrong.

Its food.

Hayley Michelle

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