Friday, June 3, 2011

Am I Fat?


Not doing so well today. In english. I finished all my work today so I get to blog.

Friend Drama.

Ugg. I had an appiontment with guidence later but had to post-pone it until monday because another girl involved, my friend Meghan, fainted from an anxiety attack. Me and my friend Jessicia (not in theater) carried her to the nurse. we stayed wityh her there until this period.

so friend drama.

I have 5 people that sit at my lunch table: Emily (from theater), Meghan, John (that stupid guy that got me in trouble. He still fallows me and is friend's with Emily, but I dont talk to him. mad at him for making a cruel jew joke, and other things that i won't discuss online) and Hermineo.

so Hermineo and Meghan hate eachother, I hate John, and Emily dislikes Hermineo and Hermineo isn't nice to emily.

I wasn't in lunch yesturday because i was to busy crying in math, so Hermineo told me that they (John and Meghan) were talking about how fat I am yesturday when I wasn't there.

and I flipped out on Meghan (due to the fact that she was the only one there with me at the time involved besides Hermineo), and Meghan flipped out on Hermineo because she says it was a 'fat lie'.

Meghan said that Hermineo only said that because she wants me not to be friends with Meghan anymore and to start drama, but hermineo says its the truth and only wants to protect me as a friend.

I don't know who to belive and afraid to go back in lunch because i feel really fat and stupid now, and so i'm not talknig to either one of them until we get to guidence and i know who what the truth is.

but I hope Meghan gets better. I feel so bad for her....

Didn't get a chance to go to lunch because i was helping meghan to the nurse.

Hungry. going to the mall after school with jessicia (again, not in theater) and her boyfriend.

going to get a lgiht bite there.....

Ugg! Why did they have to bring up my weight! freaking out.

Hayley Michelle

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