Tuesday, June 7, 2011



Parental unit is pissing me off. They are angry at me because i'm tired and upset that i have 4 essays to write tomarrow and that i suck at everything. Actually. its just my Dad thats home............so ya.

He is still repeating his "i've done exactly what you've been doing" speech again.

Still freaking out.

I'm going to ruin my freshmen showcas. It was painful not to laugh. And it was terrible. God, I think i'm to critical some times. But i'm also a nit-picker and insaine...so ya.

Can't please anyone. Broke my sparkle heels. =(

Everyone is mad at me when i'm "fake" (aka, happy). And everyone hates me when i'm normal.

My normal is just usally me crying because I hate my life and I get down on myself "too hard".

Ugg. just...frustration. I'm driving my self INSAINE WITH STRESS>

I just really, really, reallllyyyyyyyy don't want to fail. I want to have perfect grades. really badly. I want to have a perfect GPA.REALLLY BADLY.
And most of all...i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLLYYY want to be able to look back at my freshmen showcase, and be some what proud of it.
Because at the moment, i just want to go and die because I mess up alot and i don't know how to fix it. Jess and Gabe are awsome for putting up with me,  I would have seriously flipped out on me if i were them.

Ugg, why can't  I just...ugggggggggggg.

Hayley Michelle

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