Wednesday, June 8, 2011

For the First time, i feel nomral =)



Had a great rehersal, even thoguh i screwed everything, AND I MEAN EVERYTHING, up...<3

Get yelled at by Aladren again because of my "barbie- toe" addiction, and then i cried in the dressing room and Jess made me feel better.
She's so sweet. <3

All i remember hearing was "Your going to get kicked out of the program".

Of course, tahts not what she said, but i have deformed i only hear the dramatic, devestating, shitty stuff i dont want to hear.

She said that "She normally gives up on you in Sophmore year...but..."

And i flipped!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was SO DEVESTATING FOR ME!!!

Its just that, i was tring so hard to o what she wanted, but i was kind of blindishly doing i did it wrong.

And if she did it to scare me, or if she ment it...i don't know. All i know is that she SCARED THE LIVING SHIGGLES OUT OF ME!!!!

And then brian came to talk to me about it later. We talked about walls and other stuff, and fatatitude and stuff...

But, no offense to Ms.Aladren...but what Brian had said to me in the 30 minutes we talked, made more sence than everything Ms.Aladren had told me all year.

I mean, He r stuff was INCREDABLY HELPFUL!!! Its jsut that...i think hearing it from peers, and people my age going throguh the same thing...really helped.

I mean, Ms.Aladren still scares me to i wouldn't neciarrily call her a "peer". But  i trust her more than my everything and her opinion means SOOOOOO MUCHHHHHHHHHh to me.
Its jsut most of the time i dont get her opinion. XP

But thats ok. I'm worknig on ittttt

When we were leaving and changing, everyone was bering like. XP

It made me feel SO normal.
It was just a great feeling. And got some "newish" blocknig today from Gabe/Aladren, and it was AWSOMEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Freshmen showcase?
GONNA KICK SOME BOOTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hayley Michelle

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