Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Final Child

Ok. This is my final Sam Shepard Journal about Buried Child.
Rating? 3 stars.
This play has depth, and i very intersting, buried plot. It just wasntr my...cup of tea. If you want my opinion? i didnt like it. But it is a great piece. its written great, and Sam Sheard is an amazing author. I just dont really like his plays. He's grousome and deep; im shallow with daphidils. I mean, i would LOVE to preform in one of his plays; excpecially True West. Wich i LOVED! i just didnt care for Buried child. Sorry, but its the truth. The sybolism i loved. The plays today i think need alittle more symbolism. But i just dont really like Buried child. Anyways, getting onto reading Old Times by Pinter.
Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle



Im terrified of wieght. I really am, its really sad, but true. Today, we looked at the Orchestra pit. We dont really use it, we just use it to store wood/supplys and the dead bodies of those who crossed our teacher(just never KNOW!!!!). But to lift the planks of heavy wood off to get to the pit, i had to "wood Surf". which is carry a VERY heavy object, while standing on triny pieces of wood that could break and drop you to your DOOM! I was soooo terrified; i really should have said something cuz i could have gotten hurt. im really week and im always terrified of breaking thinks because of my wieght. You see, when i was in third grade Jamie Fasullo said i could use the se-saw with ym friends because i would snapp the metal becuse i was fat. (i mean, now im chubby, but i was RALLY fat. i was a size third grade! i lost alot of wieght, but not nearly enough to be happy). And i remember, watching my cusin who was the same wieght as me fall through her floor! I was terrified of being obbested like half of americia, so i went to extremes to get rid of my fat. Then i  was really happy about my wieght; i had droped several sizes. I went from a 16 to a 7. I was SO proud of myself; and then the Nurse asked if i was pregnant becasue i looked alittle bloted. That DEVESTATED ME. I'm really insicure about my wieght, and i dont want to snap anything in two. So i was really upset about the whole wood thing. I mean, lifting wood; pfff fine. I could do that in my sleep. im not afraid of the orchestra pit, or the termites, or the cobwebs. Im afraid of being to fat. Im still tryting to loose, so
wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Ok. SO Ms. Aladren explained why Bradley shoved  his hand into Shelly's mouth.
Sam Shepard, likes to torture his characters, explore their limits; abuse them in every way possible. (massicist much? well, not really. what's the word for enjoying other's pain?). Well, she explained it as Bradley testing Shelly (its how i enterpreted it atleast).The guys have no power in the house; bradley the least. Halie has all the power, and they have all been symbolically casterated. Bradley, who is deformed mentally and phsically, now finds shelly, a complete stranger, in his house. I feel as if he is saying "this is my house. you'll do what i say, and do it whithout question. understand?" . I feel like his is also trying to scare her, and is semi- attracted to her. He is testing Shelly's boundries. I thought he had raped her, due to him covering Dodge's eyes (the only witness if he DID) and then smiled cruely at her and then the act I ended. But In the beggining of Act II we find that Shelly is completely calm and fine! I think he just MENTALLY RAPED her. Like, he pushed her boundries to where Fear wasnt just a state of mind anymore, it was Shelly. Anyways, going to try and find more sybolism!
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Nudy-ness, 60's, living theater, happenings, and Fiona's hair


Ok. So today, (tuesday?) we studied theater in the 1960's (yes. just check it is indeed Tuesday). We lerned about The Living Theater. Also, basically more than half of the 60's was spent nude......(interesting?). We also did a "happening", whoch is sorta random out-burst of theater. Where itis set up, but nobody around them knows? I didnt write it down, (OH NO's!), but i got it..somewhere on my dropbox. Also, Fiona said something about shaving her hair....(she's a senior in our class). ALSO!
Ms.Aladren explained the whole bradley and shelly's mouth thing. hold on, new blog! talking about it there.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Monday, September 27, 2010

Buried Child..still?

Ok, i realllywant this play to be over, i dont know what else i can talk about. My fingers hurt from writing about gabes hai, and my mind is mush from dance class.
I can tdance; i like it but i suck.
But that's not the piont of this Journal!!! (sadly)
Ok, so i re-re-viewed Buried Child by Sam Shepard. The plot was buried, but i dug deep enoguh to find it..i think. I really want to say that i liked it..but i just cant. i mean, i can acknowladge that its a great play; but..its not really my thing. I like murder mysteries, where dreams become nightmares, where love and passion rip the seems of time; (perhaps i should go into playwrighting instead of acting! hmmmm), Buried child, to me, was about old people. pills, inbreading, corn, and a really weird and piontless plot. The symbolism was amazing! ill give Shepard creedit for that, but its not one of my favortie pieces of work. I still dont understand why Bradley shoved his hand in shelly's mouth, help? PLEASE! anyways, ill go and re-view it again, hopefully understanding it THIS time around.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Hell my name is...

Label talk: 2
Times I understood the label talk: 0

Hello, my name is Inigo Montya. you killed my father;
prepair to die....

Sorry! I just couldnt resist! Ok, So today in theater we had movement(yay?), and I got the label talk...again. I think this may develope into a pattern, so im keeping track. I understand...and yet I dont. You see, I'm the QUEEN of labels. (yuppers, the queen. BOW DOWN!) I am always labeling myself; pudgy,fun, flirty, gleek (ect.). Everyone awaly's referse to one of these labels; I got used to it. And nowi have to avoid it. I understand where she's coming from; I understand why i should and have too..I just dont understand HOW. Its so hard to get rid of a label. Its birth and trying to get rid of the strech marks and the baby. You know...maybe that wasnt such a good anology..but the piont do you get rid of something, that you've known for a long time? Im trying, but i keep refering back to it. Also, Today we did a series of blind activities, and i just felt violated. I swear, it felt like i was giving birth when we did the blind Human Knot. I wanted to say something, but i didnt want people to think that im any wiereder than they already think of me. I really like my theater class, but sometiems i feel like an outsider. Im not kidding; you have to be leagally insaine to be my friend...insaintity clings to those in the surroundings. Then again, some say that you have to be insaine to be in theater. Wow, this is a long blog. I just have alot on my mind. Like this; what happens if you choke a smurf? what happens if im ruber and your glue? What happens if Gabe suddenly looses his hair! See? THE INSAINTITY!
I really like Gabe's hair; its all curly..i really want to braid it, wow, thats random. Gabe is in my theater class; he's a senior and remebers my name. I just REALLY like his hair! I want curly hair so bad; my hair just sits like a dead thing on my head, i cant curl it, strieghten it because its already strieght, and it looks like crap always. Anyways, i should probably wrap this blog there a limit to one of these things? lets not find out...
Wish me luck world!
Hayley Michelle

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reviewing and Reviewing

Ok. so ive been reviewing Sam Shepard's "Buried Child".
Ill be honest, at first i thought it was just about old people, corn, and pills. Now after re-viewing it all; i see al the symbolism!
No really; its amazing how blind i was before realy reading the play.
I know, but the first time i wasnt really reading it. I was seeing the words but i wasnt understanding. When you understand and become art of the story; you really ARE reading.
So, the symbolism was amazing! the times Dodge got burried, and Tilden digging for the baby. But the only thing i couldnt understand was when Bradley put his hand in Shelly's mouth. I really am confussed. can someone PLEASE explain?
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle



why are boys so stupid? When you speak does it just go through an ear and out the other? really! It just ticks me off!
I was So angry about it; i totallt didnt even try to act ok! i just exploded out on the poor guy. Gosh, i have problems. Perhaps boys read lips....Maybe THEN they'll finally understand to

Wish me luck world,
Halyey Michelle

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

DONE! (Huzzzah!)


I finished Sam Shepard's "Buried Child". In the end we find out that Dodge killed their child (baby really,) because it wasnt his. He drowned it in a lake, and noboy found him. Halie was having an affair with the pasture, and Vince went incaine. Shelly got scared and left, technically breakup with Vince. Dodge dies slowley and un-noticed on the couch, and Tilden was still harvesting crops. In the end, The sun shines for teh first time and Halie see the corn, and smiles.
Poor Dodge, even though he was a killer technically. He died un-noticed; nobody cared. Halie didnt notice, Vice, Tilden, Shelly , bradley...nobody seemed to care. It was a funny ending, but it was...interesting. Im still alittle confused about it all, but i think i got the general idea.
Reviewing it tonight,
Wish me luck world!
Hayley Michelle

Heels and Highschool dont mix


ok; HEels and highschool dont mix.
Ourt school doesnt even have stairs and my feet are covered in blisters! I mean, i didnt even walk as much! but when i got home i reliezed i had them on the wrong feet!
Duh! (stupid me- face plam!)
But I went to go and visit my Elementry school; its like i live there. Everyone said i looked taller and had better posture in my heels, so even though heel snad highschool dont really mix; i think ill wear them alittle more often.
Wish me luck world!
Hayley Michelle

Monday, September 20, 2010

Act 2 and im lost.

PG= 100

Ok, i just began act 2 of Sam Shepard's "buried Child".


So far, Its been about Dodge  ( your general old man that scream :YOU CRAZY KIDS! GET OFF MY LAWN!) and Halie, is your every-day grandma who is loosing her hearing and is in mourning of her "ansel", who ever he was. I think it was their third son. They had two that i konw off. I though Ansel was the grandson at first, but Then Vince, (tilden's son), vomes in with Shelly (his girlfriend). Vince is really nice and is trying to get intouch with his family for he hasnt seen them in a while. He stops by to say hi to his grandparents, but Dodge can't remember him! Tilden, is clueless and not really involved in the situation; he is harvesting the corn, carrots, and potats (ect.) outside in the bak yard. Although Halie and Dodge INSIST that there is apsolutly nothing outside, he still gets the veggies and states that they came from outback. (no not the resturant). Halie is in mourning for Ansel who i think got murdered by his wife who was part of the mob. Well, thats what i got anyways. Cant wait to read more, and hopefully tie all of this together!
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Do you run for fun?

PG = 100

What do you do when
someone says "i love you"
do you stay or do you run,
do you run just for fun,
do you say i love you too,
or break the boy's heart in too?
Do you hug him, or say "slow down!"
Do you stare in wonder?
do you frown?
do you feel the same?
or do you say it in vain.
What do you do when
they say i love you?

Ok. i just couldnt help but make it into a poem. Sombody just told me they loved me; and they ment it. I freaked out and ran. I just dint know what to do, and it was SO unlike me! I just...i need alittle advice. Usally, i use this in improve scene; its like, the first thing i jump to when i see somebody on their knee's. But i never really expected for it to happen TO me in life. Acting is being truethful under imaginary surcomstances. Ive delt with this all the time on stage, why cant i deal with it now?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My brians are fired and served for breakfast


AGAGAGAGA! I’m so confused!

Today in theater we did a technique that was invented by Misner. I know a little about him so I was excited. But it wasn’t the mirror effect, for it was an exercise. We had to act as if we were alone instead of our fellow classmates watching our every move, and do what we would do if we were all alone in the auditorium. When it was my turn, I did what I normally would do; I made music out of a gel and a half empty green tea jar. My teacher, Ms. Aledren, told me to stop and said I was performing.
But that's my problem...
When I am not in school or on this blog, I am performing, or practicing to perform. No, seriously. She told me I can’t go through my life performing. She's right; but I don’t know what to do now!
She fried my brains and served them for breakfast.
If I’m not a performer..than who am I?
That was my homework tonight.
I need to find myself; my inner self. Its scary, even thinking about it; and so hard. I think i crammed myself in tarturus, the darkest depths and pushed it off the end of the sidewalk. I am always performing and when I’m not I am sleeping. So who is Hayley Michelle. I don’t know! so, I need to release the blood hounds and track myself down. I think the reason i am always performing is because i don’t want to fail; its my biggest fear. (besides becoming a hobo or a zombie. or a hobo zombie). She said
"the only way to get over your fear is to face it."
If i face my fear, then maybe i can find myself. I just don’t know how. any advice? please?
Wish me luck world (I’m going to need it BIG TIME)
Hayley Michelle

Sam Shepard and the 40 year old virgin

PG= 100

For theater, we are reading the play "Buried Child" by Sam Shepard, where we are just meeting the character of Tilden. Tilden lives with Dodge and Halie, he is their son. Tilden is in his late-40’s and appears to be the spitting image of a red-neck American. He wears plaid and suspenders and a windbreaker, which is a type of jacket. He even spits in a spittoon! How much more red-neck could you get? He has a son, Vince, who is around twenty. I just think that’s its sad that a 40 year old man is living with his parents. at this time in his life he should be going out, or GETTING A HOUSE OF HIS OWN. I think it’s pathetic actually.
I think that eventually in the play, Tilden will finally move out; but that's just a hypothesis. He really should, though. it just makes me think; because we don’t really know why he is living with his parents. I hope to find out soon.
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


PG = 100

Yesterday, in theater we did some...'yoga'. I don’t know exactly what to call it. It STARTED off as yoga, with simple moves that strengthen your core and your gluteus/legs/thighs. Then Ms.Aledren, (our theater teacher), made us do a hypnosis acting warm-up. You see, the idea behind the theory is to have two actors; one is walking around moving they're hand in all different places around the stage. The other actor fallowed the hand, as if under a trance. The hand would be the only thing visible.
I never realized how physical acting could be! Well, I mean...I had an idea, but I never experienced it! I’ve done lots of excursuses, hard ones, one's that make you sweat...a lot...but I have never EVER done so much excursive in my life! I am almost positive that Ms.Aledren melted my brain away. I swear that i almost died of a heat stroke; not only were jumping around in strenuous quick movements, but we were doing it under the heat of the stage lights! It really opened my eyes up and I questioned what the hell I was doing there. Then I realized; it’s because I like to act. I knew that I had to do this and ya, it was going to be hard but I decided to do this. And I’m not quitting. It’s going to be hard, like, REALLY hard; near impossible. But this is what I want to do. It was a really good way to get in touch with my body, and realize how out of shape I was in, and now I know my strengths and weaknesses. So, I’m not quitting; and I am REALLY looking forward to the next time that we do "yoga", in class...Which I think is Thursday or Monday....but the point is, I really know what I’m doping now. I’m not sure how to do it yet, but I’m looking forward to epically failing and learning how to do it right.
Wish me luck!
Hayley Michelle

Burried Child_ Post #1

For Theater, we were assighned to read "Burried Child" by Sam Sheperd. The play starts with a gloomy setting. I dimming small blue lighty from the TV, with an old man sitting on an old couch. In a way, Dodge (the old man) is very alike the old coach. The couch was described as old with parts ripping aart, and stuffing coming out. But nobody cared to sow the open ends up. Dodge, is old..around his seventies. He has a small cough, and pill sleft on a small table. he could go and get them, but he doesnt care enough to. Sorta like the couch, how it has something wrong but nothing is done about it. Also that the couch is faded with age and tattered; like Dodge. He is older now, and has lived life, see whats there to see. With his years of living, he became wiser, but also tattered. Something, must have made him the way he is; very un-social and interested..its as if he doesn't care! like how nobody cared about the couch....
till next post, wish me luck wolrd!
Hayley Michelle

Monday, September 13, 2010

Smiling For Theater


Today I was walking down the halls of school and I saw this girl. She was talking to a bunch of her friends and had great posture and a smile on her face. I kept walking, trying to find my Algebra class, when I saw another girl. She was smupled over, leading with her chin and walking alone throught the halls. Not a single hint of happiness or expression on her face. I thought about it; the diffrence between the two. The first girl was with friends. She looked approchable and nice. friendly, you know, the kind of person everybody wants to be around. The other girl, looked scary and a loner. She looked as if she had "GO AWAY" writen on her fore-head. She wasn't exactly the type of girl I would want to go out of my way to meet.
The way you hold yourself, can change everything. Sadly, the world bases on looks. Its not right, but sadly, its true. The way you look, talk, act, and dress is what decides where you stand in life; all stating at HIGH SCHOOL. Fashion is a doorway to the world, but a smile is the key. I don't know who said that, but they were wise. and probably popular in their highschool. I try to hold myself in the highest of regards, but sometimes I forget. Seeing the two girls really helped me rember that. So from now on, i'm going down the halls with a smile, and anticipating whats on the other side of the door that i am about to open.

Wish me luck,

Hayley Michelle