Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Burried Child_ Post #1

For Theater, we were assighned to read "Burried Child" by Sam Sheperd. The play starts with a gloomy setting. I dimming small blue lighty from the TV, with an old man sitting on an old couch. In a way, Dodge (the old man) is very alike the old coach. The couch was described as old with parts ripping aart, and stuffing coming out. But nobody cared to sow the open ends up. Dodge, is old..around his seventies. He has a small cough, and pill sleft on a small table. he could go and get them, but he doesnt care enough to. Sorta like the couch, how it has something wrong but nothing is done about it. Also that the couch is faded with age and tattered; like Dodge. He is older now, and has lived life, see whats there to see. With his years of living, he became wiser, but also tattered. Something, must have made him the way he is; very un-social and interested..its as if he doesn't care! like how nobody cared about the couch....
till next post, wish me luck wolrd!
Hayley Michelle

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