Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Ok. SO Ms. Aladren explained why Bradley shoved  his hand into Shelly's mouth.
Sam Shepard, likes to torture his characters, explore their limits; abuse them in every way possible. (massicist much? well, not really. what's the word for enjoying other's pain?). Well, she explained it as Bradley testing Shelly (its how i enterpreted it atleast).The guys have no power in the house; bradley the least. Halie has all the power, and they have all been symbolically casterated. Bradley, who is deformed mentally and phsically, now finds shelly, a complete stranger, in his house. I feel as if he is saying "this is my house. you'll do what i say, and do it whithout question. understand?" . I feel like his is also trying to scare her, and is semi- attracted to her. He is testing Shelly's boundries. I thought he had raped her, due to him covering Dodge's eyes (the only witness if he DID) and then smiled cruely at her and then the act I ended. But In the beggining of Act II we find that Shelly is completely calm and fine! I think he just MENTALLY RAPED her. Like, he pushed her boundries to where Fear wasnt just a state of mind anymore, it was Shelly. Anyways, going to try and find more sybolism!
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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