Monday, September 27, 2010

Hell my name is...

Label talk: 2
Times I understood the label talk: 0

Hello, my name is Inigo Montya. you killed my father;
prepair to die....

Sorry! I just couldnt resist! Ok, So today in theater we had movement(yay?), and I got the label talk...again. I think this may develope into a pattern, so im keeping track. I understand...and yet I dont. You see, I'm the QUEEN of labels. (yuppers, the queen. BOW DOWN!) I am always labeling myself; pudgy,fun, flirty, gleek (ect.). Everyone awaly's referse to one of these labels; I got used to it. And nowi have to avoid it. I understand where she's coming from; I understand why i should and have too..I just dont understand HOW. Its so hard to get rid of a label. Its birth and trying to get rid of the strech marks and the baby. You know...maybe that wasnt such a good anology..but the piont do you get rid of something, that you've known for a long time? Im trying, but i keep refering back to it. Also, Today we did a series of blind activities, and i just felt violated. I swear, it felt like i was giving birth when we did the blind Human Knot. I wanted to say something, but i didnt want people to think that im any wiereder than they already think of me. I really like my theater class, but sometiems i feel like an outsider. Im not kidding; you have to be leagally insaine to be my friend...insaintity clings to those in the surroundings. Then again, some say that you have to be insaine to be in theater. Wow, this is a long blog. I just have alot on my mind. Like this; what happens if you choke a smurf? what happens if im ruber and your glue? What happens if Gabe suddenly looses his hair! See? THE INSAINTITY!
I really like Gabe's hair; its all curly..i really want to braid it, wow, thats random. Gabe is in my theater class; he's a senior and remebers my name. I just REALLY like his hair! I want curly hair so bad; my hair just sits like a dead thing on my head, i cant curl it, strieghten it because its already strieght, and it looks like crap always. Anyways, i should probably wrap this blog there a limit to one of these things? lets not find out...
Wish me luck world!
Hayley Michelle

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