Monday, September 20, 2010

Act 2 and im lost.

PG= 100

Ok, i just began act 2 of Sam Shepard's "buried Child".


So far, Its been about Dodge  ( your general old man that scream :YOU CRAZY KIDS! GET OFF MY LAWN!) and Halie, is your every-day grandma who is loosing her hearing and is in mourning of her "ansel", who ever he was. I think it was their third son. They had two that i konw off. I though Ansel was the grandson at first, but Then Vince, (tilden's son), vomes in with Shelly (his girlfriend). Vince is really nice and is trying to get intouch with his family for he hasnt seen them in a while. He stops by to say hi to his grandparents, but Dodge can't remember him! Tilden, is clueless and not really involved in the situation; he is harvesting the corn, carrots, and potats (ect.) outside in the bak yard. Although Halie and Dodge INSIST that there is apsolutly nothing outside, he still gets the veggies and states that they came from outback. (no not the resturant). Halie is in mourning for Ansel who i think got murdered by his wife who was part of the mob. Well, thats what i got anyways. Cant wait to read more, and hopefully tie all of this together!
Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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