Monday, November 22, 2010


PG=100 and depression

I'm a bad jew. I woke up today all bright and cheery...and then he came on the radio. I was listening to comody Central while on the eliptical this mourning, and i heard Adam Sandler's "Chanaka Song".
It just made me feel like a bad jewish comidian.
(jewish comidian- a comidian that is a jew, NOT to be confussed with Comidic Jews- comics that are jewish and make fun of jews, NOT to be confussed with non-jewish comidian that make fun of the jews. aka, hitler. "im teh gernman eathal Merman dont ya knowwwww!")
I need a chanaka song. Or a song about the jews. I need to be like.....the sflying nun, but not a nun, and not d not whoppie goldburg....
I need to be
but how? first; an
AWSOME COSTUME!!!!!!!!!!! (aka, a ssexy zoro mask and a giantic star on muh shirt) then...

THEME SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Ima jew, ima jew, ima jew, ima jew, IM A JEW!) (sung to the "im the map" from dora the expoler. (aka, A SPANISH JEW)

Then i TRUSTY SIDE- KICK! (i was thinking the crazy cat lady down the street, or the rich lawyer dude. BOTH JEWS! or perhaps Spock or Captian Kurck. BOTH JEWS! (live long and prosper = shalom bitches!)

But mainly; i just REALLLLLLLLY want to write a song about my awsome jewish peeps. i lovez them; they lovez me; we're all a happy family. So i need to write thiz songz.

Wish me luck world, (and live long and prosper)
Hayley "jew" Michelle

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