Saturday, November 13, 2010

Senior ShowCase, Friends, Life, and other girly emotional crap


ok. Now with that said, Senior Showcase was
I'm just so said that its all over; and the seniors will be going off to other places; i'll miss you all (Seniors). Brian just posted that he was except to Johnson & Whales (awsome collage btw), so congrats. I'm sure everyone else got into amazing schools, i just only know Brians because i'm stalking his fb page. lol, jk...but ya i'm stalking  u all!, just got my fb. But ya. Gabe and glenn, you were amazing! i loved working with everyone; becasue it wasnt as bad as everyone made it out to be. I dont understand y everyone HATES tech week; i find it...interesting. i mean, dont get me wrong i'd bulldozer you all over in a second to preform instead of sit backstage as a techie; but i didnt mind it. I had fun.

I finally relized that the other freshmen dont hate me; they just dislike me. lol, no..they confronted me about it and i think we're cool. i just have to be less of me. I'm out there; and i dont understand why that's bad...but some-how in this situation it is. I just have to be less loud and annoying. trying! But most of all i have to stop worrying about it; i cant focuss on y they dont like me as much, i have to focuss on myself. i know it sounds selfish; but its not.
Fiona told me that Gabe and i are similar; that he started off like an ayyoing bitch (aka, me) and Gabe's totally awsome now. So, i'll get there; just not there yet. ...gosh, i'm like bawling as i'm writing this...
Everyone was awsome; the film that Alley, Casey and Fiona did was AMAZING! i love it. Chelsey; i know you weren't there but everyone wished you were. I'm going to see your show, and i will definatly take your advice;
i counted how many times you said "like" ... it was more then 10. (lol, forgot actually #). And all that i was thinking about was the fact that you were talknig like Shawn Louis (with ur pauses). lol, ya. but i missed you.
The show case was amazing; and everyone in it was amazing. I think it was a total sucess.

OTHER FRESHIE'S! hello! You were all amzing; i'm so glad that your all in my class, because when we do our showcase it's going to rock.

MS.ALADREN! your babies are adorable and your husband is hot. He reminds me of Gilles marini (hot model that was on DWTS) (like here: )
there i said it.
Also i am making it my mission to find Boys that sing, becasue you said we could have a musical if that could happen. IM HOLDING YOU AGAINST YOUR WORD! lol, caberet. the german caberet.   All i want to do is chair dance to "Mein Herr". i know the original choreography to that song. And i used to try and learn "Money". but ya. Lol, i doubt that IF we do and musical we'll do German Caberet, but still; its one of my favorites. That and Man Of LaMancha. i sing "Aldonza" like NOBODY'S business. Lol, getting ahead of myself. So far i know that
-Gabe sings (duh)
- Glenn doesnt suck
- Miguel has done musicals before
- I'm going to give Brian singing lessons(by force) (we were talking about it on fb and he said he sucks, so time 4 me 2 help!)
- There are 2 other guys in shop who's names i cant rember that said they sing alittle.
- Manny (my gym guy that flirts with me and thinks my eyes are on my chest. he can sing but refuses to jion theater)
- Some guy roles can be played by girls.

so that's my research. Ya. cross my fingers; STILL ON MY MISSION!

I jsut relized that besides Ms. Aladren and my cat, nobody reads my blog. doesnt that SUCK. lol, i mean, i dont read anyone else's blog becasue i dont know the URL, but i want to. my blog URL is

CLICK ON IT OR DIE. wats yours? (if you have a blog) i would love to read someone's blog, beacuse i have no life! I;m sending this to everyone's email, so you have no excuse to not read! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH.

ok. now i'm just bord. So, hi everyone!
holy crap i just relized that i left out Mike in my Senior Pep-talk; SORRY MIKE! UR AWSOME AND LOOK CUTE IN A TUX!
ok; now im done.

I think i broke up with dave on the last senior showcase preformnace. i was just really pissed at him. I kept bothering him to come to the showcase beacuse it ment alot; i got him a compt. tixect and he PROMSIED he'd come. and then he ditched for Pizza.
So i told hinm that i need some time to "think us through", beacause he knew how much this showcase ment to me and he wasnt there. it hurt alot. i mean, relationships are abou tcaring and being there for eachother; he wasnt there for me. so i'm confussed. but htas life. advice?
With love and rainbows (and crows over a weatfield, becasue it doesn thasve to be so gad damn literal all the time...does it!?!?!)
Hayley Michelle

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