Tuesday, November 2, 2010



You never know where inspiration will come from. it could be in the middle of the night; in the shower; or in the middle of gym class.
Inspiration can come from anywhere or anything. Sometimes inspiration comes from nothing; it just apears in your life.


What does that word even mean? Who knows; im too damn lazy to look it up. But this whole week has been an inspiration to me. I am know half way done with a play that i am entering in the Young Play wrighters contest. The play is called "I, The Forgotten" (a Hayley Michelle Original). It is my very fist period pice, setting itself in teh victorian age.
But i am worried; normally i'm never worried about my writing. ITs one thing i'm good at.
Out of  all 6 writing contests i've ever entered, I've won all of them, including a speech that was read at the ground-breaking ceremony of the MLK memorial in .D.C. by President Gorge W. Bush himself.
But i'm worried. My peice is alittle...out there. I mean, nothing like Avenue Q or the jaw-dropping original Caberet (no, not the broadway one, the off-off-off-off -OFF broadway version. my personal favorite).

Its about a girl with down-sydrome.

I know; its random. But i was influnced by
Whoppie Goldberg.
I know; whoppie. I was watching her in her stand-up CD, and she had this skit about a girl with down-syndrome. It was her talking about how she became engaged. I was amazed; for if not knowing whoppie, i would seriously think her as with Down Syndrome.
Whoppie is amazing; she can do alot with her body, which surprised me. She can create masks and costumes with her body. She, to me; is an idealist actress.
there was a part in teh skit where the girl with Down-syndrome talks about dreams. SHe talked about how she dreamed that she was normal, and how she could be like everyone else; normal. Striving for perfection; and that when the dream was over, she would still be herself.
but happy.
It touched me. very few things touch me (ew, not that way you pervs), unless your Moulin Rouge or the titannic. (ok, i cried once when i watch you've got mail; but that was diffrent...my facial mask got in my eye). But the way she did it; it was like watching a catipillar transform into a butterfly.
Truley beuatiful.
Poetic, almost.
sorry; peotic exactly.
She was; not thinking about who teh character was. She was this girl; and it touched me.
Hearing this girl's story.

And that is my inspiration.

Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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