Monday, November 15, 2010

Your trying to kill me


Dear Ms.Aladren,
I seriously have come to the conclusion that you are trying to kill me. You weren't here (heard that the babies were sick. i hope they feel better!), so we were sent of to dance.
I cant dance.
I dance like i had my feet on backwards. Like an akward duck.
But a cute akward duck

We were doing period piece's in the 1500's. They kept saying that if you did the dance bad back then, you were taunted and hated. And they looked at me the whole time. i was like the sore green thumb. (green, because i was to busy saving earth to lern how to fudging dance!).
It was my serious Epic- Fail moment. Also, Adjenea told me that the 5 page essay was due on thursday. im like
it was so fast! and i dont know what to do.
Do you want a busness like, boring essay? or shouldi write my essay as if it was one of my blogs? i dont know what to do; and i could seriously use some advise becasue i dont want you to fail me becasue of the sucky-ness of my buisness like essay, and i dont want you to not think i'm nto taking it serously  if  i do it like one of my blogs? i mean, not LIKE one of my blogs, because it is still an essay...but here in my blog i speak my mind. I dont format like everyelse. i find essay's to be boring and you have to of them every marking period. it must suck monkey fudge  ballz. I wanna stand out; but for all the right reasons. i hate it when essay's are like:

"i think so- and so did this beacsue ...and, that is why i chose this play..."
its boaring. but i dont know what you want. I want to be me; but not epically fail. So alittle advise would be awsome right now.

Wish me luck (i'll need it BIGTIME)
Hayley Michelle

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