Sunday, May 15, 2011

eating disorder?UGG MENU!!!


Finally got my dropbox to work (it got deleted, but i created a new account and then "magically" everything re-apeared).

So i open the nutrition folder and i have been phsco-obbessive over it.

I also looked at the eating dissoder power-point.

It was really...wierd.

I know people that have eating disorders, i dont have one...but i have a lot of the same problems and issues/(sympotms?) of what was listed for "eating disorders".

Now im just really confussed.

Personally, i dont see anything wrong with what i do. But now im alittle worried about it.

Working on the menu; and feeling really crapyyyyyy.

When is it due anyways?
And trying to figure out when to eat these things.

I know it sounds really stupid, but i never eat breakfeast or lunch; its too fattening and i dont have time. I mean, i probably due; but its jsut not really neccisary to me.
I come home around like 5ish and i snack and eat dinner; then SOMETIMES when im at the mall i eat and later regret it.

UGGGGG MENU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also found out that my goal weight is not "healthy" so i am settling for 110 lbs goal wieght.

I reallllyyy want to be less then 100, but its "not healthyy".

Feeeling really fat; jsut had home-made chinese food(thnx dad), <3. It was cool; i dont know how to use chopsticks without hurting myself.

Honey-seaseme chicken with brown rice and pecans. (yummmm).

sooooo goood, but feeling chubby.

Needed a "contrasting monolugue" for Mason Gros audition, so i am now doing Casey's monolugue  (Checkov's The seagull). (Nina).

Best i could do on a short notice ( NO ROMEO AND JULIET).

Going to go practice adn do my eliptcal machine.

Byeee <3

Hayley Michelle

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