Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Parents suck....or just dads.


I hate my dad.
Im never talking to him about anything ever again.
EVERYTHING always turns into a god-damn fight!

Well, im sorry that i'm not as awsome as you wanted me to be; im not gonig to be a fucking trophy daughter. I wasn't famous when i was 7, or travling around the world when i was 13. ok?

Why do parents always think that they're a mini-version of them? Im nothing like my parents.

Nothing at all. They were super-stars and had fucknig realy jobs when they were 5! My dad was an international chef at the age of 7- cooking at the carngie deli and my mom was running an accounting thingy that no one cares about...
And then theres me.

Trying be a carbon-copy of my "perfect" hard-working parents, instead of being a kid like i should have.

I never learned how to ride a bike.
They sent me away to "princess camp" and "horse riding acadamy's".

They were to damn busy.
And then they come home, and tell me all my flaws in everything i do, and i always try to correct it and its never good enoguh because they always copmair me to them and it SUCKS ASS.

My dad just doesnt get it. He says the most idiotic things about theater and opereas, and makes rude jokes about things i take seriously; he sounds like an idiot.

and he gets all defensive when i correct him.

I jsut got home from the mall after 2 hours of reading monolugue books and arguing with my dad about why im not doing romeo and juliet; and then he tells me im not getting in becasue i suck, and im un-determined and that my "dog sees God" monolugue is bullshit and.....

We got kicked out of barns-and-nobels.

Then we foghut all the way home in the car, and then in the drive-way, and now im lcked in my room typing this.

Im never talking to my dad about anything srious; because he'll just say that i suck and im not determined.

He can kiss my ass; because im more determined then he will ever be, and even thoguh i wasnt being a super-chef at the age of 6 or something, i am still a wonderful person.

Im not him: im hayley Michelle.

Hayley Michelle

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