Wednesday, February 9, 2011


PG=100 ( i stayed after for showcase and helped, so i dont think i have to blog...but this is also a journal/blog. a "Blogal" or a "jornog".....hmmmm....)


aparetnly i swore TWICE today!!!

Did terrible on my monoluge, but im working on it. Aparently the way i stand makes me look like i have to pee all the time...interesting?

Anyawys, fighting with john....ugg...he is more of a dramam queen than ME!!!!!

Reading Master Harold & the Boys. Relaly enjoying it. it was NOTHING i thought it would be.

I SWEAR TO HIGH HOLY HOGWASH THAT Boys Life was Master Harold & The Boys.

I literally thought they were the same exact play....i was soooo wrong. lmfao. hahahaha, taking pills now. ugg. i hate this. Its flaxid oil, fish extract, and lotus flower roots. I ned to be strong and healthy nd LESS FAT.
Wore falsies today. Going in for perminant make-up soon. Iw as gonig today...but stuff came up. =(
On the bright side...I LOOKED AWSOME.

Also made a list of things i want to do before i die (or senior year. eaither or):

1. Prove the existance  of Narwalz

2. Write a musical with my own original compusitions

3. Sing Diva's Lament from Spamolot with full acompany on piano.

4. Win Student of the month at least once

5. Throw a house part y (check-and check)

6. Meet Santa

7. Be in a film

8. Adopt a penguin and name it "Charlie Chaplin"

9. Recover all teeth from tooth fairy

10. teach my cat how to sing a duet with me and enter it in  a film festival

11. write  book with all my blogs in it

12. quite drinking coffee

13. go to canada so i can make fun of it some more

14. Go to (and or be honnered) at the Kenedy Center Honnors.

15. Play the world's smallest violin

16. Write a play for every quarter until collage

17. get a doctorate degree

18. adopt a child from africa

19. punch snooki in the nose

20. Geta 100 in theater

Love (forever & Always)
Hayley Michelle

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