Monday, February 28, 2011

God wants to kill me....oh lord. XD


Ok. i had the MOST INTERSETING weekend of my life. (this is one your gonna wanna read. so READ THIS IF YOU LOVE JESUS)

ok. so friday, i went to a party that was totally AWSOME. we were all listening to Queen's "Night at the Opera" and we were spaz attack dancing like the peanuts. it was fun.

The next day i had band practice. (we all slept over.) and we played until our fingers bled. (literally. the bledddd). We had a gig that night, at this ...i want to call it concert hall, but its also a church. I was worried about going because, I AM JEW, but they said it would be alright.

It wasnt.

We were half way through our set list, (we were doing awsome), and then my bass strap broke as we were jsut about to play another song, and a said "sh!t" into the microphone. (on accident!).
and everyone went "!!!!!!!!!' (you know, that long over-done reaction of disgust? ya, that one). it was the LOUDEST GASP I HAVE EVER HEARD. and i was reallllllllyyyyy emmbarrased (this was for the "church")

so the ngiht went  by, and then afterwards they had a "prayer' and i felt wierd cuz i was the only jew and you know what they said?

they were talknig about how tohe jews killed jesus and that im going to hell and other things and i felt really bad. (they didnt know i was jewish. I dont know, its not something i would want to announce out-loud in a HEVILY BAPTIST CHURCH. i was seriously afraid that they would kill me).
So that was akward, and i posted me ursing on Facebook, so check it aout and write an emmmbarising comment.

Sunday was fun. I went shopping with my mom (i actually love shopping with myu mom. she's awsome). And i got the CUTEST little blue rachel barry dress EVER.
wearing it today, and making it sexy good.

Love (forever & always)
Hayley Michelle

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