Thursday, February 3, 2011

God Sees God

I know i am supposed to journal, so i REALLLLYYYY hope this counts as a journal because its a play. (ug. seriously dont want to talk about mud....i will get scolded because of what i have to say on that...thing).

Dog Sees God,  by Bert V. sheer awsome.
I laughed,
i cried,
i thoguht of my my friends,
i thoguht of myself,
and then i cried some-more.

POOR WOODSTOCK!!!! (the name of teh yellow bird that was eaten visciously by the sick, snoopy).

anyways, I always thoguht Brian's monolugue was from a diffrent play, but BRIANS MONOLUGUE!!!
EEPP!!! Excited, because i really think he can pull it off...poor beethoven....i totally symathize with him.

Its hard not eating in the cafateria...
in my old school i was really imbarrased to eatr in i would go into the library and read. AThey knew by name, and they ordered in books for me and they were so nice to me....but then i was caught sneeking out of our prison cell lunhc room, and i couldnt go back to the media center. ( ig to banned becasue i was "cutting class"). (technically...LUCNH is not a suck my matvah balls you fudging....female dogs!)

But i was really insicure. I mean, im still insicure...but itwas ALOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT worse.

I hate my friends.
Sorry, but its true. my friend in 2nd grade told me i look like a pig when i eat, and i never eat in public since then. I still do. it makes me feel fat.
When i can eat in front of you, then you know that i trust you.
I go to lunch, because i have no-where else to go...but i dsont eat. I eat when i go home. I eman there i can make myself something healthy instead of the fat-indorsed products here in school.


I sympathize for Beethoven...i hate Matt (pigpen's) guts. (WHO WOULD BREAK A PIANO PLAYERS FINGERS?!?! SEE...THATS JSUT WRONG!!!), and ii have friends that are totally Trisha and Marcy.
ugg..i need less stoner, white-trash friends....

new add in paper:
WANTED: Friends that dont suck.

Hayley Michelle

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