Tuesday, February 8, 2011



ok. first off, hi. working on my play that i was so excited about, and i turned down the role of easther and the chance to direct my Temple's Purim Schpeel....upset.
The preformance fall sout on the saturday we re hanging lights.

i always play esther, but they wanted me to direct! oh wellz, i know that our cantrow ill do great.
I love him: he went to Lee-Strausburg school of music and he also was on boardway (or off-broadway...i dkonw ill ask again), in La Cage!!!! <3 <3 <3

I have faith in them that theyt will do good> i mean, im easther EVERY YEAR...let some other girl have a shot.

This year, we are doing all the musioc from the beatles and "hey, Jude" is now "hey, jews".
!!! <3 <3 <3 !!!
Getting back on track, i felt really confident and happy about classes discussion today. i was talknig to john in th hallway about
"how i kew everything in theater calss today!" and ms.aladren walks by (ovbiously hearing me) and saysing "goodbye hayley.."with this EVILLLLL smile.

Its been imprinted in my fore-head.

See...thats not what i ment. I liuke...understood what we were talking about. I felt all modern and when we talk about things i understand...i get quite and i smile alot and i felt good! THATS WHAT I MENT!

Also Ashley told me that i was a Know-it-all-goody-too-shoes in history.

She's nice. I dont know...we were talknig about life nad teen mom's ands "other things" or things we've done that we regret and stuff...and i now respect and fear her.

I also feel alittle upset. I mean...i feel like a bad person.

I dont know...but i really have a new found high respect for her...and people of edision. Also fear.
Mainly fear.

Anywho...working on my play.
Starting to read Master Harold and the boys...tomarrow. SORRY! But i have had alottt to do. WILL BLOG ALOT SO MY GRADE WILL GO UP! I PROMISE!!!!

Love (Forever & Always)
Hayley Michelle

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