Thursday, December 30, 2010

the definition of "Aladren"

Holy crap. I just explained to my friend waht an "Aladren" is.

wowz. lol, she was reading my play ( i JUST finished it! excitedddd!!!! she is sleeping over), and i was telling her that it was my final 4 theater. and Aladren is letting me have total creative control, so it has no limits on languge, profanity, or length! (personally, i think its quite short of a play. n not that profain).
so i explained that Aladren was the secret ingrediant in Chemical X. You know, the stuff that makes the power-puff girls look like gigantic beatles? that stuff. lol, she was laughing hysterically, so then i told her that she was my theater teacher.

speaking of which, i was attempting to explain to my friends (other friends) about theater and how awsome it was, and yet at the same to terrifyingly scarey, and how its making me consider being a lawyer or something with a lower risk of me dying or gonig crazy instead.
(lol, im doomed 2 b a theater person, so i wont switch. i ust like being dramatic. remember, i AM a theater person.And wont switch to anything else....unless being "Lara croft: tomb raider" is a profession...)

AND speaking of that...i met someone.

its a wierd transistion..but it works. trust meh =]

We met at a Rocky Horror that i took my friend on the second & third day of break.
He likes rocky horror, he can sing, he likes dancing, he's not gay, he loves acting and theater, he's a writer, he's mainly a musician, he fences, like rennisance fare's,he drives a nice car,he likes football, and...wait for the best part...

HE's JEWISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant wait to tel you were things lead on to from here,
Hayley Michelle

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Im leaving FB

Im leaving face book. U all suck.

My old school people r being bitches and i cant stand 2 b on-line anymore. So im leving.
I never give in, or let people push me around..but itsw diffrent this time. i dont just hurts alot more than it usally does.

Cyber Bitches r worse than real bitches

I dont get it...i just..... y do people do that? hurt others.
If you hurt someone, or go out of ur way 2..ur an ass. And just the fact that you cant do it to my face? you dont even deserve to live.
go die i n a hole for all i care...

THen again, that is just the anger in me talking. pisses me off thoguh.
Just the fact that people thing they have the right to treat me like that.god.

You r probably thinking, What the hell is thi diva talking about...well...
its not really tht important..just the fact that bullying hurts, expecally cyber bullying. Its the worst.
You think you can aviod it by not being online..or just shutting yourself away from the world...but that doesnt do sqat.
absolutly nothing.
IT still goes on. It goes on all around us. It just relly hurts that people even think that its right.
I didnt even know these people! ...and i think thats what hurts the most.

The fact that the first impression you make on someone, could change everything. They dont even have 2 know you. Just what they hear, and how you sinks your own ship.

All you bitches? go 2 hell...but dont you god-damn think you have the right to take me down with you.

Hayley Michelle

Monday, December 27, 2010

I killz them all 4 bread stick

The title of this blog says it all.

So i was trapped with my family was terrible.
Turns out that if you climb out the window you can fall on the snow n escape!!!!!!!! (alothgh its scarry. I just walked out the door after we got the drive-way plowed by my grandma's neighbor. My ciuns r STUPIDDD!)

So, i later left the house, with less than half of my sainity and went with my friends 2 Olive Garden. it was amazing. Im now home, and i am happy n i have bread-stick. My little clousin's chainsaw broke.
i threw it in the washing machine to make sure he didnt use it.
it was a really nice chainsaw too.
(ALL EVENTS ARE TRUE.) cat just farted. is that natrual? i mean, for cats to fart? its discusting, holly fidsge balls on fire...Cant...breathe....HELP!

Hayley Michelle
(holy crap! get me a gas mask!)

4:3:49.... war zone

its 4 hours, 3 minutes, and 49 seconds scince my last post.

So far, i have gaged and tied two of my cousins in my grandma's bedroom, and i am on the prowl for a tiny, EVIL, 6 year old named Micheal.

NOT TO SELF: for jew-mas enemy recived boxing gloves and a gun for the on look out for wepons of mass distruction.

PRO: enmy has 2 valid pressure pionts. (tickling the foot, and spazing the sides). Enemy weekness is choclate.

CON: enemy has mastered puppy dog face. has wepons: BEWARE

Wish me luck,
Hayley Michelle

Snowed in


Ok, im snowed in and im LOSING IT! im stuck here with my family.

they are crazy!!!! i cant take it! I hate my cousins, and i got bad cosmetics for Jew-mas.
My little cousin got a chainsaw. How come he gets a chain saw, and i get bad cosmetics!?!?!?!?!?!?!

(no jokew, im being ceral. seriously. he got a chainsaw).

My prediction for when we are able to leave, is:
i will end up killing everyone with Eric's ChainSaw.

the end.

So, i will be blogging about my hours of isolation from the world. I have no cellphone bars, im stuck with my cousins, one has a chainsaw, and my grand-mothers cooking.

so help me god,
Hayley Michelle

Saturday, December 25, 2010

" Creative writing "

PG=100 (idk y i put that there cuz i know it wont count, but i do anywayz. ps, if i journal would i get credit???)
So this blog is just because i was randomly writing fan-fiction for my friends book. Our book. She is obsessed w/ Law and ORder: SVU. I just like writing things where people die. So we are working together to write a book series on it. (it wont get anywhere due to copy-write and it being impossible to get the scripts to the writers of SVU,i tell her that. but she insists. so i just keep writing. Its fun.) We finished the 1st book, and now we are curently on the 2nd. SO i was just writing this chapter and im like...holy crap this is good. I dont usally like my writing, but i could use this somewhere. I dont know where, but i will find something. (will change characters, cuz i'm not the biggest fan of fan-ficton. Create ur own!)
SO basically what's happening is that there are these few characters mentioned in this chapter.

Olivia- (Olivia Benson aka, Liv. From the actual show.)
Elliot- (Elliot Stabler. From the actual show.)
Jenna- Olivia's adopted daughter (My friends Original Character. also Lolah's "Best Friend")
Lolah- Jenna's "Best Friend" (my Original Character. the emotional train-wreck of it all.)

I know who-ever is reading this will probably not understand it AT ALL... but i must say, it is one of my works of writing that i like. So enjoy!

Chapter: Olivia

God, I have to find Lolah before she does something…oh god. She’s not even my child and I’m worried sick about her.
I walk outside in a frenzy thinking of a good place to start my search for Lolah. A club was my best guess, or my the rehearsal studio...But when I turned to go and begin my treasure hunt for Lolah, I tripped over something.
I begin to get up from where I landed on the hard concrete outside the hotel, and there was Lolah. Eyes blood shot, her legs extended out into the street. People pass her by without a glance; they stepped over her like a lost penny. She was staring into space. A vacant look upon her face, and half dressed. Her jeans all torn and her heels broken. Her shirt lying next to her and one of her pink bra straps broken, hanging loosely by her left arm. But she didn’t even seem to notice. She didn’t move: like a porcelain doll. Resting upon the wall, waiting for someone to move her. To play with her, to love her. Just waiting and absolutely nothing else.
“Lolah… It’s me Liv.” I say as I slide next to her, leaning my back against the brick wall of the hotel. She tilts her head, giving me a nod to acknowledge my existence.
“Lolah, I found my gun, loaded with the safety off, lying in the center of my hotel room a few days ago. At first I thought it was Jenna who touched the gun...but she didn’t. Lolah...did you.” I ask in a calm voice. Still, staring out into no-where she response how ever so quietly.
“Yes. It was me...I was...I was gonna pull the trigger too, had the thing pointed down my throat. But I couldn’t do it. I have nothing, Liv. I don’t have my boyfriend. I don’t have a home. I don’t have a family. I don’t have friends. I don’t have my pride, my dignity. My confidence. All of its gone with the wind. I had nothing to live for. But for some reason...I just couldn’t pull the trigger. I left it there. As if I could just run back and do the deed any time I wanted, without anyone knowing. I ran. I left. I closed your hotel room, and I just ran. I ran into the streets until some guys picked me up and took me somewhere. I don’t know where, but they took me to a place where I could run away from everything. All my problems forgotten...but not gone. Never gone. A place to numb the pain. And I go there every day. It’s not a place, more like a state of mind. No-where.”
“Lolah…where are you staying...” I ask with concern.
“I sleep in the bed offered to me. Sometimes, I’ll wake up and I won’t know the person lying next to me. Sometimes, I won’t even know myself. I thrive off of one night stands now. Sometimes, I wake up and its more than one person lying next to me. I hitch-hike my ways to rehearsal. I bum around places until someone offers to drive me home, or anywhere. So I wait. I wait to laugh...I wait to cry…I wait to live, now a days. I don’t have anything better to do, but wait...” Lolah says with a tear running down her cheek.
“Stay with Elliot, Jenna and I. We can...” I begin to say, but Lolah cuts me off.
“No. I’m sorry Liv, thank you but….I can’t. I can’t look at Jenna; I can’t be in the same room as her. I know you love Jenna, and you can except her choice of keeping the child, but I can never forgive…What you don’t realize is, Jenna is also my daughter. Before you came to adopt her from the orphanage, before anyone came for me…It was Jenna and I against the world. Just us. I would always look after her, like my daughter. We pretended to be a family. I was always the good mother, who never abanded her child, and she was the perfect daughter. I remember, every Saturday night we would sneak into Radio Shack or some place with a TV, and we would flip through the channels until we got to MTV. We would watch the music videos and in –between we would watch Teen Mom, or 16 and Pregnant. We would point and laugh at those girls. We would make fun of them, call them attention whores. Sluts. She promised me, and I promised her…that we would never become one of those girls. Never…and look at her now. 17 and knocked up. I personally blame myself. I just….Jenna, and I…we….” She collapses into my shoulder and just cries. Hysterically. Not as bad when she was in the hospital , or the first few nights when she came out...but rivers poured out of her eyes, staining the side-walk. I just held her. Rocked her back and forth like a child. A poor, innocent child. And that’s all she really is. She’s so young, too young to bare this on her own. She needs a mother, she needs someone. She needs love.

That’s all she really needs.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I missed my 100th blog and Stumped.


a few things...

1. I've done all of this wrong.(sad face) i ned 2 explain why i deserve my 100% participation. so i have to think of one: HERE IT IS.
My reason, is becasue i'm cute, my blogs are realistic and funny, I'm a theater kid, umm.....this is a S.O.C., This is my 101th blog,Im jewish,i'm cute..did i write that already? (yesh. yesh i did)....umm.....i cheered 4 adjenea in the peper-rally, i didnt prank anyone this week,...uymmm....(ect. ofd ranodm reason why i deserve a 100)

2. I MISSED MY 100TH BLOGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i recently reached 100 logs, and didnt celebrate. no confetti. no crazy house party...sad)

3. im stumped. When i get bvack from Winter Break, i should be finished with the play i have to write for my Theater final this quarter. And i have just finish Act I to 2 plays i ahve been working on. AND THEY ARE BOTH EQUALLY AWSOME! so i dont know which i want to hand in. Advise? ok:

PLAY 1: "I, The Forgotten" By yours truely.

Charles- Butler
Sara- Bennie's twin: Victor's lover
Phobe- Sara's older sister:Victor's Fiance
Bennie- Sara's Twin: Crippled with Polio
Victor- Phobe's fiance: Sara's lover
Mother- Mother to Phobe,Sara & Bennie

Play 2: "Dear Brother Charlie" By also.... yours truely.

Charlie- Timmy's little brother
Timmy- Charlie's older brother
Roy- Friend of Charlie
Ed- Charlie's room-mate
Professor Jude- Professor
Gale- Whore
Izzy- Gale's rooom-mate

I will probably be forced into doing the 1st play due to lack of guys in shop. Just giving characters, the plot is a mosh of things. ugg.... wat do i do?!?!?! confussed
Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Ok, Re-reading Tony Kushner's BRILLIANT A.I.A. PART I ( Mellenium Aproches)
SOOOOOOOOOOOO over-looked all teh symbolism!

Do you know that this entire play is built upon symbolism?!?! The way that Harper frazes her saying about The Ozone layer, and her "pill-popping", and how The angel decends, and the justice hall and the mormons, and religion, and god, and hot dogs, and sex in the park and...O.M.G.

Its amazing.
I love it! LOVE IT ! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! ext journal willb examples! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Hayley Michelle

It wouldnt be class without me having a laugh attack. Tiffany's purity Ring and going 2 hell


ok, i seriously need 2 stop have laugh attacks. Cereal...its screwing me over. So we had Katlyn Perry come in today (no not KATTY PERRY or her cat, KITTY PURRY. KATLYN PERRY. Alumni of the program...and another hayley..grr). She was really nice, and AMAZING in N3RD. She was talking to us about collage, Fiona ws melting down ,i was in shock because they told me about "Juries".
Do you know that they can kick me out of collage?!?!?!!?!?!!??!?!!??


so scared, i swear i was fudging going insaine. I was like "WHAHAHAHH!?!?!?????"
n...yua. so anywho...... We also talked about A.I.A., wich i will be posting journals on later. (first health project on the "contriseptice" of my choice).

First of, health class sux. I got kicked out of my old health class because i threw up on my teacher and told teh students that they were going to hell for taking condoms............. (ya...dont do get hated and kicked outa class......)

SO, i am doing my report on abstance. Its already 12 pages long about how should ONLY teach abstance so we would have less whores running around the school preggerz.
Girls like that are a discrace. First off, STRICT CALBICY. This school needs that,all schools need that. I dot care how great of a parent you are,or how much you "LOVE" the person your with.... if your still in school, arn't married, dont have a job or a stable house you shouldnt be having sex. Im VERY touchy on the situation... Teenage pregancy's are a joke. and if i ever got pregnant, (Which i never will. Waiting until after marrage, and i personlly belive that i will never get married.) I would get an abortion. I would hate myself, to ever think that i would let someone do something like that to me. I know abortion is wrong, its killing a life...but sometimes you have to be selfish. Its what'sright for your future....But i've never been preggerz nor will i ever.
So im gonig 2 fail my report, but it will be worth it to tell everyone that they are gonig 2 hell for not choosing abstenance.
Getting a tiffany's Purity ribng! (saving up money, excited!) (wow, that was random.) Its gonna be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO shinny! and i can chuck at Danny! YAYYYYY!

Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Monday, December 20, 2010

Graceful as a....?


ok, i need a new metephor for being SOOOOOO un-graceful. Ive said "as gracful as an elephant", soo many times, its the new LOL.

I always think of myself as a lady, you know poised, elegant, non-cursing, pure... but i am certiantly not graceful.
Today we were choragraphing the dance for "Romeo + Juliet", which i should be GOOOd at for doing SO many times... but i cant dance.
wow, not only do i havethe grace of an elephant but i have the momery of an elphant, teh thieghs of an elephant, AND i dance like an elephant! what a kawiniki-dink! So practicing the moves at home with cat.
If cant dance, he will.

My cat is my baby. I wuv him! he is soooo smart, just like me, and SO pretty, just like me, and SOOOOOOOOOOOOO fat! (just like me!)

He is 37 lbs, up to date.


Anywho, im teaching my cat how to sing, and its been going welll he can hit a high D! so if he can sing, God save me, HE CAN DANCE TOO!
Andi will be really pissed if he dances better than me! but sitll, he shall dance!

So gonig 2 practice after i journal. and cast for my plays! YAY!

Hayley Michelle

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Working on my plays, excited! really excited about two of them,
"Dear Brother, Charlie" & "I, The Forgotten".

Even though theater finals are far away, i always pre-plan.
I know what im going to be doing for the next 30 years of my life. (example 437, of how i dont have a life).

But anyways, im pissed off cuz i dont know who to cast. I got certian parts casted, but im really worried about "I the forgotten", i need someone to play Bennie. Who has down-syndrome. im thinking Casey, because she is such a great actress, and i feel that she can do the part...but i also want to think of Jessica to play the part. Im also torn between Alley and Hannah to play the role of Sara. it will probably be Hannah, because Alley is also in my mind for casting Phobe.

Hmmm, another think im pissed off about is the other play, "Dear brother, Charlie".
Im positive of casting Gabe as Charlie, and Glenn as maybe Timmy....but Glen could also play Charlie and Gabe could play timmy! AGGGGGGG! FUDGEE!
Its a while away, but im stilll stressing.

Got the rest casted already.

Fusge, stress and Double Rainbow all the way,
Hayley Michelle

Saturday, December 18, 2010

karma, Drama, boys...what else is new?


I know, it wont count because its saturday...or sunday. Maybe some half-breed of the days of the weekend, and it feels like Blahday already. (the day between monday and teh rest of your life).

So, nothing is really going on just you know the usal...the sky is falling for no aparent reason.

i hate Karma: im really racist. even thoguh i hate to admit it. And i went 2 the movies today with my friend, and we were sitting outside waiting for my mom to pick us up and just outta no-where she says, "Whow, i didnt really how jewish you are. Your nose is HUDGE!"

I hit her.

I always joke about being "Super Jew", and being jewish and my "Penny Senses are tingling"...but i never really relized how much it hurts. Racism.
DO i make others feel like that? or do they take it as a joke like me. Maybe she was joking, but it still hurt.
and i feel really crappy now.

Not only do i feel crappy about that, but there was this guy named John. Im not saying his last name because:
1. If you care about mew you would stalk him to his house and break his legs for me. But im not that cruel.....
2. His last name wasnt important enough for me to remember.

So anyway, John likes me. He fallows me around, holds doors for me. Carries my books, walks me to classes.
Buys me soda.

He WAS a real Gentle man...or so i thought. So the benifit concert was this week (which was amazing btw. I loved everything, everyone was amazing. And for those of you who didnt come to see it ...echm..."john".... it was amazing and you r stupid to not have come and support the arts. and me. mostly, thats selfish. anyways, let me finisdh my story/rampage).

i wouldnt SHUT UP about the concert! So, he said he would come.

n he didnt.

Im used to it...because i mean, you dont have to come see EVERY show of mine if we were going to have any relationship besids being friends. I understand that they have lives too.

But there is this one test tha it always do.
I go major mad on them for not coming, and see if they try to get me back...or do they get angry and quit on us.

its always the 2nd choice, never the 1st.

I need someone who will fight me to keep me. No matter how mad i am.
Friends are great, Friends with benifits are even better: but right now i need a bf. Someone to be there for me when i need them, and someone to know that i can respect them and know that they will never let me down, like everyobdy else around me does.

So he got mad and cursed me off.
Figures. Most guys do that. Some just say they're sorry alot, but i want someone to actually DO something about it.
Im just WAITING for the day i find a guy that will stop me in the middle of a crowded hallway and curse me off, jsut to get the messagfe that they like me through my thick skull.

But then again this is highschool. Not hollywood or Comolot.
Chiverly, and gentlmen-ship dont exisit.
Highschool is a jungle and boys act like monkies.
So if they act like monkies, thn treat them like monkies.

Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Harper, oh Harper

Harper's a manaic. Nad for some reason...i can totally swee me saying the same thing as if...wel, as id i was Harper.
I'm not a mormon thats a given.
Im not a pill-popepr
i'm not married.

So i dont really understand why i have this...feeling like i'm harper...but i guess teh way she frazes her words. her states of madness and depression, when she is in her hallutinations and just raw insanity...tahts when im like her the most.
She is constantly the pink energizer bunny. And everyone knows that i'm the humman enegizer, so maybe thats why.
I really dont know, but...ughhhhhhh.... its frustrating cuz i dont know the answer.

The scene (Act I, Scene VIII)where she confronts Joe about being Homosexual..i just feel like screaming. For no apernt reason.
I feel as if i've said this before, to someone.
Like i've known this from some-where.
That anger and frustration and that state of being desprate. That's what i know, and i can relate to her...
but she's fudging insaine!
wow, just like me.


I love this whole thing, but it pisses me off that Louis would go and kiss a "stright" man, when he is with his dying bf.
SO there is this scene (Act I, Scene VII), where Joe and Louis are in the bathroom and Louis is crying his eyes out in the sink, and joe goes and sorta...'comforts him'. not really, they just go back and forth implifying that either one was gay.
I think, personally, that louis and Joe make a better couple than prior ...cuz prior sorta souds like a prick.
I mean, his boyfriend's grandma just died and he is being a prick and a primma-donna over some cat. He should have been supportive. He should have been there for his boyfriend. even in his condition in AIDS.
joe was there fore him (louis) and even though Joe will definatly deny his gayness... joe and Louis are so hot for eachother. Can;t wait to find out what happens!

Cathlics believe in Forgivness. Jews believe in guilt.

On Act I, scene VI.
I love the split scene with Joe and Harper, and on the other side, Rabbi and Louis.
The rabbi is funny, and i love when he says
"Cathlics belive in forgivness. Jews belive in guilt" (Kushner 1475).

Because its sooo true! If you look at the bible, we are really just guilt tripping everyone. Like, when god sends Adam and eve out of the Garden of Eden becasue they eat teh forbin Fruit... he wants them to forever feel guilty bout what they have done. He wants to not only punish them, but force themselfs to the piont where they punish themselves.

And its true. To me, even though i havn't gotten far in the paly, i feel as if the characters are punishing themsellves because tehy're diffrent. Gay, or...pill-poppers. Diffrent.
Even thogu they dont phsically do it, or say it...not even metaphorically...but i don't know. I just feel that they are hiding the true from not only their peers and or spouse...but from, them selves. They are punishing themselves but only seeing lies.

wat i have so far on "A.I.A"

Ok, So this is what i have so far on angels in americia:

The rabbi in the opening monolugue is amazing, a fudging visionary. WHO EVENTUALLY IS PLAYED BY THE EVEN GREATER MERYL STREEP! (but talking abuto play, not film thingy).
Then Comes teh workaholic Roy and Joe the mormon who wants to get a job in the pilitics/law area of the world.
Harper is definatly tripping throguht the entire play. (pill popping mormon on the loose. BERWARE!) And Louis and Prior are gayyyyyyyyyyy!
But waht questions me is how Prior got the aids, or as called in the play "Lesionnaire's desease". Which i'm almost possitive translates into teh homo desease. It was called teh gay desease because most people that contracted AIDS were gay. I remember talking about it to my health teacher last year. It was right before i stopped taking health. I stopped cuz i threw up when we got to contriseptives and my friend showed me waht a condom looked like. She actually had tehm ,and was destributing them out to the class! ( i was super mad at her, because she shouldn't have one of those any way. so she deserved the puke. and the class deserved my uber long monolaughe about teen pregancy and abstance and that they will rot in hell if they actually use that condom in 8th grade.)
ok, (*** breathe heavily in attempt to consentrate***) so Lous and Prior are dating. Prior is dying of aids but is strangly calm. I was worried about their relationship, cuz i wonder how he contracted AIDS. if Louis doesn't have it...then how did Prior get it? Its either an affariw ith someone, or h is blood brothers with some crack needles.

Best.(but impossile) Idea. EVERRRR


today's discossion blew me away. Im so pumped to be home now because i can start writing.
Firt off, let me say that i was soooo pissed off at everyone in taht room, but i was mainly pissed at myself because im the most racist person ever. Before i typed this up, i typed an entire blog about Jesus being a mexician. It was so ba, that i back spaced it and wrote this instead.
Anywho, getting back to why i was so happy to be home... Ms.Aladren was talking about what makes art, art. And talking abouyt plays, and how not everything is about plot. And about, my blog (even though not read, the one about how we are blid,, we touched upon it and i just got the most...greatest IMPOSSIBLE thing..>EVER

I want to expose the slime called the human race for what it truely is. There is no "perfect world" and no such thing as "diversity" and "total world peace". You are always hurting someone wheater you know it or not.

So i got the idea of writing a play, and jsut random racist conversations between people in the 60's 70's (civil rights movement time i think...)but the entire cast would be blind folded...except for one.
The rich, white male stero-type.
And at teh end of the play, they would remove their blind folds and relize their cruelties or relize that the world is cruel in general.
That the persaon you thought you new, is something diffrent. To show how raw and evil and racist and judgemental we all truely are.

And i really want to put the arts in it too. I dont wanna say, musical, but i definatly want dance. Something that al lteh preforming arts kids in our school can be in. Of course, it is near impossible because they will be blindfolded...
but i want to explore our class steryo-types, and just....ovbserve and write.

Its such a great but near impossible idea. Working on it anyways.

love (with all my heart! please tell me waht you think, or if you have any clue on how the hell i can pull this idea off)
Hayley Michelle

Monday, December 13, 2010

"People who are Lonely, People left alone"

(this is a journal and so is everything on the topic of Angels In Americia. Just thoguh i should state that.Also that "the Tempest" by William Shakespeare is now a movie and playing seleect theaters in NYC only. MUST SEE. jsut thoguht u should know. anywho, back to journal)

"HARPER: people who are lonely, people left alone, sit talking nonsense to the air imagining...beautiful systems dying, old fixed orders spiraling apart....when you look at the ozone layer, from outside, from a spaceship, it looks like a pale blue halo, a gentle, shimmering aureole encircling the earth. Thirty miles above our heads, a thin layer of three-atom oxygen molecules, product photosynthesis, which explains the fussy vegetable preferance for visible light, its rejection of darker rays and emanationsDanger from without. its kind a gift, from god, the crowning touch to the creation of the world: gardian angels, hand linked, make a spherical net, a blue-green nesting orb, a shell of saftey for life itself. But everywhere, things are collapsing, lies surfacing, systems of defense giving away... this is why, joe, this is why i shouldn't be left alone. [little pause] I'd like to go travling. Leave you behind to worry. I'll sen dpost cards which strange stamps and tantalizing message on back. "later maybe" "nevermore.." (Kushner 1470).


Tony is amazing, i dont know how he does it. This is harper's monlugue at the bveggning of Act 1, scene 3. I love it!!!!! i think she is tripping on her pills a tthe time saying this. I can imagine harper saying this, all gittery and talking to herself...or perhaps alittle drowsy from the pills.Perhaps she;s imagining things, i want to get inside her head to see what the hell she is thinking! i try putting ymself there...but i somehow can't. This is truley a masterpiece. The way he frazes it, he makles her crazyness sound poetic. truely amazing. Posting more journals later,
hayley Michelle

The happiest Seziure of my life and "i have babies"


i'm freaking out.

I dont know how 2 ice skate and i'm freaking out.
i got asked out on an "ice skating date" and being stupid i just said yes.
Then 15 minutes later while eating some salad at wendy's...i relized that i don't know how 2 ice skate.

So, switching topics here to get myself from blowing a fuse... So you know that Adjenea has smooth skin? i mean, like....Smoooooooooooooooooth. Ms.Aladren said "I have babies", so i guess she ment that adjenea is soft like her babies? hahahah, it was hillarious! oh, Aladren.... and she also called Alisha a lesbian. not stop laughter ALL DAY.
And i can't sing kesha. or dance.
lol, i was singing 'We R who we R' in History today with Nick., and i was dancing like a guiddo.
Do you know that Italian's are the only people safe from vampires?
(i dont know how that popped up. i guss cuz Snooki is italian?)
well, science we were talking about Garlic and weather or not it repells vampires.
I belive it does, becuase when ever i eat garlic pizza my Friend Jullianna stays away from me.

She's a vampire. i know it. But not the lame glitter tits one that all the teen girls are obbsessed with. The you know...nos feratue, and Mel Brook's version of Dracula.
I also have a friend who is a leprechan. In 2nd grade i made him give me all of his lunch money on St. Pactricks day because i tagged him at recess. And if you catch a leperchan they give you their pot of gold! SO i told him to fork it over..and he gave me aplastic fork! (its ok though he's irish he doesn't know anything but beer and Gingers). (WOW that was racist. i feel SOOOO bad now, but its comady gold so i dare not earse it!)So instead, i just took his lunch money.
Speaking of which, i was in lunch today and my friend came up to me and told me to have the happiest seziure of my life.
Its a line from this Adam Sandler's "8 CRAZYYYYYYY NIGHTS!" \. its a funny cartoon movie, and at the end, the furry elf (aka, whitey DuVal) has yet ANOTHER seziure. and he says,

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, wow. I never want a sezuire...ever. but if it happens im SO going to say that! Wow, this blog was stupid and piontless. GOing to read the rest of Angels in Americia. Put it off long enoguh, posting TONS of journal tinight. Stay tuned.

Wish me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle

Sunday, December 12, 2010



Ok, im SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sorry for not journaling this entire week. I promise i will on monday.
But i have resontly found a life.
I know, it sounds stupid but i've been partying and hanging with friends instead of slaving away the rest of my days.
Everyone deserves alittle fun, right? wow, so getting back to my old rutiune monday, but for now lets

Hayley Michelle

Thursday, December 9, 2010



They are being closed down, and its wrong. That is a HISTORIC theater, and i will not let it be torn down.
Ig rew up there as a child. Before i even watched my first movie, i remember gonig to taht very theater to watch "Wizard Of Oz". I know, that i said "Phantom of the Opera" got me into theater, but Wizard of Oz was really my first look at theater.
And it started at bucks.
I feel like the childhood crumbling around me, for you know that Charlie Brown's is shut down/ i mean, ALLL of teh world?!?! I loved charlie brown's. I used to go tehre every week after piano lessons when i was little. And now its gone, so now i cant take my adopted children there when they're little after their piano and guitar and harp and trupet and piccilo lessons. They'll never get the chance...and its wrong!
So i will not stand to let them take away my Bucks Countty!
That's were i go to get my Rocky Horror on.
That's were i go if i want to see Funny Girl, German Caberet, or Raisin in THe Sun, Man of La Mancha....and its not right to deny the future generation the right to enjoy what i did when i was little. I still go now!
So Help Save Bucks County Playhouse!
I'm going to get a bunch of people together in my school and we'll go Christmas Caroling to every class to raise money. ONly fair, becasue the last show of the Bucks County Playhouse is "A Christmas Charol". But if i have anything to do with it (which i do), it will certaintly not be the last. I am also emailing all these newspaper people around all of NJ, and see if they can publish an article about trying to save BucksCounty. Cuz i can promise you, that i'm not the only one who has memories with this place. If i can get word out, alot of people can start helping.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010



SO not looking foward to saturday. First off, i offically have a case of stage parents. They want to send me to every frilly "Going to be a star!" class that teaches me absolutly NOTHING and wastes my time. They want to send me to this class on saturday...something about "how to break into hollywood"?....watyever, i used to belive that stuff like that would work...but Ms.Aladren really opened my eyes. And i dont know...its great to know now what i have to do to actually make it...but i feel like she took the magic out of it.
I remember going to classes like that, and being the best kid in there. Taking it seriously. Feeling proud, because none of my friends had that privladge. then i come to Ms.Aladren, and i hear everyone else doing all of this amazing stuff and i have nothing but my silly comunity theater and acting classes, that everyone else laughs at. It jsut takes the fun out of it. But on the other hand, if would have gotten the rude awaking later and it would NOT be pretty. Ms.Aladren really is sorta like an idol...a very scary spanish idol. I wanna trust her; because she's "been there, done that". But i also want to belive in all that crap that i used to. i wanna belive in my parents, but at the same time i trust Ms.Aladren more.
Im almost positive that every conversation now-a-day's when i talk to my parents starts off with "Well, Ms.Aladren said...." or "Ms.Aladren told the class..." or "because Ms.Aladren said so". They are shoving all of this, "Make my baby a star!" down my troat and i dont like it. I want serious calsses, that i can take seriously. When ever i go to things like that now, i already know everything. It bores me, i feel like i'm wasteing another hour of my life.
I want to take Misner Classes. I want to take more Shakespeare. I want to go on auditions in New York, and get adgents and do everything that the other freshie's do.
Hannah has her SVU...which i SO envy. I actually wrote(with a friend) an entire Book about SVU (fan-fiction). (We are curently working on a sequal, btw). Jessicia has her father's Improv.Do you know how cool it would be to do something like that? Adjenea goes to all of these NY auditions, and Sebastien is an AMAZING DJ. I don't know about Katie or Aleshia, but they're so pretty they just have to stand there and i could be envious about it.
It's true; im enveous. Not like "i hate them", because i dont. I respect them. like...alot. i just wish that i had the privladge to do the things that they get to do. Im stuck wasting my life away on these silly classes that will get me no-where.
i want to be serious, and i want to be taken serious....but i can't do that if i continue to do classes like this. And everytime they tell me about things like this they guilt trip me into it. Like, i JUST got a call from my dad telling me that i need to make a decision if i want to do this "break into hollywood" class. and that you can only be there through special invitation. and that it's special, and a limited offer and they are gonna keep bugging me abou tit if i say "no". So even when they ask me about this stuff...i dont really have a choice if i want to do it or not.

I would rather take an SAT test-taking classes then do all of this. That would benifit me; i dont benifit from all of these things. Im just to shy to tell my parents to fudge off.

Not only am i regreting Satuday becasue of that, but also because on that day i have Band Practice (for a ban di'm in...sorta. our 1st practice.), and i also promised to help my friend decorate her tree.
need advise from ANYONE. Somebody please email me some help.


Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Angels In americia is fudging Genuis

Angels in Americia is Fudging Genuis. I am sitting here reading it (skipped a-head to the Louis and Belieze scene in Act 3, Scene 2) (we read it in Theater, and i'm obsessed). This play (and the Class discussion we had today...but mainly the play) just opens my eyes to how....un-diverse and cruel, and hurtful the human race is. Now matter what minority you are; you will always be calling someone out as a minority and hurting someone. No matter wat you say.

Words are like flames: are they friends or foe's? Words can makes as feel warm inside. but it can also scorn and burn us. Sometimes, it does both; and we have no control over it, but the we can control wheather or not we want to lite the falme at-all. We choose to use words, and only we can control it; by putting it out, or not starting the fire at all. The way Louis is speaking, talking about all these things; it is incredibly offensive. but he doesn't see that.He doesn't see how heis burning the world around him, and scortching Belieze.

Louis is blind to all of this.

Some people are blind in the world, but they're eye-site is perfectly fine. They can see what's around them; but they don't see the evil of humanity around them. Or better yet, they choose not to see the evil around them. Once you open your eyes, its like...tasting forbidden fruit from the sacred tree of knowladge located in the Garden of Eden. You spoil wat once was lush and a paridise. By opening your eyes to the world, and all of its evil you are ruinging wat once was pure. It takes you to a whole new level of understanding. When you open your eyes, You hurt all of a sudden, you hurt others... and its a terrible thing.
But yet its also a terrible thing to walk through life blind. Some things you cant ignore.
Because no matter how hard you try not to see the things of torment, hurt and know, deep down inside, that they ARE still there.
and the always will be.
Sometimes, when you open yourself to the evil of the world, you can try to cahnge it. You can try to make a difrence and you can try to supress the eveil's in the world.
This play has opened my eyes to sooooo many things. I am only still on Scene 3 of Act 1, but i am in love with this play. i savor every last word. I spend like...5 minutes on each line...just taking it in. It...angers me to know that this is happening in the world,and i never even knew about it. It hurts me to know, that i was ignorant. It pains me to know that i was one of these characters.
I am these characters; That's why i love it so much. i can relate. Eve though im not a black-portchagieze drag-queen, or a pill-popping morman. Or a gay lawyer that's not coming out of the closet. But i was blind. I was blind to everything around me, but now i'm seeing everything difrently. Andi dont know if its a good thing or a bad thing; because now i am in-duldged in the dirty filth called the human race, but then again...i can now see whats going on and i have the choice to stand up and defy it. I dont have to sit there and take it. i can stand up and say something...i can hurt them back, i can let them hurt me...i have a choice. Whe your blind, everything is done for you because you are defenseless. When your eyes wide -open you can decide for yourself.

Perhaps it better off being blid, not knowing the evil around you. Not knowing that your hurting someone...pretending everything is ok. Living in a "Perfect World" where everyone is equal and diverse.
What really is a "Perfect World"? Anyone? No?
Being blind, means not seeing the world and only seeing your perfect world. NO matter how sick and twisted it may apeal to others...but you will be forever blind in you own world. You are the Angel in your world
You are the Angel in Americia.
but sometimes, your just too blind to see for yourself.

Hayley Michelle

Monday, December 6, 2010

I'm not amused at this park.

PG= slamming into a poll while running away from Hobo zombies.

My friend is insaine.
She wants me to ger her an IPod Touch for her birthday, THAT ALREADY PASSED! n she said "So wat did you get me", and i made her a home-made card, and she wasnt happy. So now i have to get her somthing.
Normally i would smack the fudge out of some-one if they treated my love and awsomnesss like that...but i owe her because she got me out of this whole "eating disorder" thing. Lol, my old school nurse was CRAZY, and she saved my.....hine quarters! she (Crazy old nurse)thought i was preggerz and balimic at the same time! Just because she caught me throwing up in the bathroom once. turns out i had the flu...but she kept bugging me about it EVERYTIME she passed me in the hallway.She even sent me for "Theropy"
SO getting back to my un-apprecative friend...i decided to just take her some-place fun. She said she wants to go to "six Flags this summer".


I like amusment know, disney with thier fireworks, and hot forighn waiters in epcot. i like Hershey's because they give you fudge. (and not THAT fudge, but like...carmelle machiato flavored fudge. AMAZING by the way).
But six Flags is not an amusment park.
I am everything BUT amused when i go to Six Flags.

I remember the first time i went to six flags. It was in summer, 2 years ago. Danny (when i dated him and didn't hate his guts) decided to take me and his little cousins to Six Flags: Hurriciane Harbor.

First we dicided to go on this..."slide". You see, it was not a slide. On a slide, You go "Weee"

I did not go "Weee"...i went 'HOLY FUDGE IM GONNA DIEEEEEEEEEE". Beucase this was not a slide...this was a free fall.

after seeing my life flash before my eyes, we moved to the second ride. Do you know that ride that looks like a gigantic toilet? ya, thats the one.
We got on line and it said
"From this piont you are now 45 Minutes away from the slide".
I don't wanna wait that fudging long! Its a slide, how long can it take to go slide down?!!?!?!?
I waited there...for wat seemed like DAYYYYZ.
And to be honest? it wasn't that fun! if i wanted to go ride around in a gigantic toilet i would have stayed home and flushed myself.

Then we went to the wave pool. YOu think the wave pool would be..."Fun"..."harmless"...
I say "no, senior(Spanish mariachi man). your out of your fudging mind".

We got in and i was surrounded by 300 lb gorilla's and bandage's floting in the water n i swear i saw a kid pee in the pool.
and he was 12.

Plus i recently went back to six flags on fright night.....although nobody told me it was fright night.
My friend, Olivia, Thoguht it would be funny if she brought me to the zombie part of the fright night.


I was so scared i assulted them by throwing salt that i stole from the Johny Rocket, and i ran so fast, i ran into a pole. and then she thoguht it would be even MORE funny if she set them upon me while i was lying on the ground crying in pain.
haha.....hah...ha..(sarcastic laughing)


So trying to find alturnititves for going to Six flags.
Because as far as amusment parks go? i am NOT ammused.

Wish Me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle


PG= 100

Poor Glenn!
Today in theater, we had to lead the seniors around the school as if they were blind.

Im a natural born leader; ...well, ok. i just like to boss others around like a princess...PIONT IS!....i screwed up. I hurt the poor glenn, im a health hazzard! i axcidently walked him into 3 chairz....... i feel sooooooooooooooooooooo incredibly terrible!

but on the bright side.....PARTYYYYYYYY!!! (as bad as i feel, it will NOT stop me from party!). Wanting to go polar dipping (swimming in winter), to raise money to save polar bears! YAY!

Wish me Luck world,
Hayley Michelle

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fag-hag's, poker and Silver & Goldddddd

PG= super offensive blog. i warned you; READ WITH CAUTION

So as a family tradtion; each night of channuka my cat picks the movie we watch every niht for 8 days as a family. ( i taught my cat; he super smart. Now trying to teach him how to sing...not going so well). Anywho...we watched the clay animation movie "Rudolph the Red Nose Rieghndeer".


Its it jsut me, or dont you think its weird that the elf and the rieghndeer are close? (and not liek "freinds" , more like "firends with Benifits"). And theya re all sleeping in a small tent and have to huddle VERY close to keep warm with a phsco miner who is a gold digger; he only wants Silver and GOLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. And their misfits, "TOGETHER".
its UBER-GAY! and the abonmal snowman, is sorta a 4-some and a pansy.
Now ur all probably like; that's not possible, Rudolph isn't gay; he has that bitchy Rieghndeer who's name no-one can remember!

Well she is a fag hag; a groupee that hans with gay guys n says they're dating them just so the gay guy's can hide the fact that they are gay.
I used to love that movie when i was little, but now its gay
i still like it though. lol, but thats my oppinion!

SO anywho...CHANNUCKA PARTY 2NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna party til i feel fly..LIKE A G6!!
hahaha, lol. wanna know why i'm excited?!?! (you actually probablky don't but im going to tell you anywayz)

My christian friends are coming over and i'm going to play Dradil with them.
Dradil is like Jewish poker: n i'm goooood at poker.

Wish me luck world, (Though i probably dont need it)
Hayley Michelle

Saturday, December 4, 2010

im sorry 4 being Phyco


Im sorry for freaking out. i was over re-acting and i was TOTALLY out of line. i had no right to curse like a trucker. The fact is, is that i want things too much. I want to be liked TOO much, i want good grades TOO much. i want to be sucsessful TOo much. I let the stress of not being perfect get to me...TOO much.
Ya, im TOTALLY dissipionted about my gaurd being down and getting anything lower than an A....but im positive its a mistake. That i will not apologize for. SO monday, i'm going to politly ask why the hell they gave me the grade, and ask if its some mistake and push to get it changed.
There are alot of bad things you can do in the world; you could hurt sombody. hurt them bad. But the worst thing you can do is to stand by and watch it happen and not do something about it. And i'm not prepaired to just let this go. If i messed up, then i want to know what i can do to make sure that it wont happen; istead of letting it go.
God, im such a drama queen.
Fudge-sicles,(back to no-cursing. LADY-LIKE)
Hayley Michelle


I dont even give a damn anymore about "Being a lady and not cursing". i just got my report-card and im balling my eyes out! First off; i got Stright A's in everything except Gym, Science and English.



(GOD! I've been needing to get that off my chest for a while).

Gym i got a C. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE! Ok, im not a fast runner and i can't catch/dogde a ball for my life...but i change into proper attire. i prticipate. I dont kill anyone. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE! I do everything in order to get an A. I shouldnt get anything lower.

In Science i got a B. Most would be, THRILLED to get a B, but im not. You see, Im not an A-, or an A.
I'll take it, but im not happy cuz i KNOW i deserve better.

And English.
I got a C+. HOW?!?! THE LOSWEST GRADE I EVER GOT IN ENGLISH WAS A 80!IM THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOW"S WHAT THE HELL WE'RE DOING! I COULD TEACH THAT CLASS! Ms.Solom is a great teacher, and im surrounded by smart students. But i deserve a 100, and everyone knows that.

It has to be a mistake...i mean, mistakes happen right? and dont you DARE say i'm over re-acting...cuz im not.
This counts for collage. And getting into collage is my one goal at the moment. If i dont get into collage, then i dont get a job. If i dont get a job, then i become a hobo. or a lady who dies alone in a ditch. and i will NOT ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN. Maybe im being over re-acting...but if being sucessful was your life and you got disapionted in yourself...then trust me? I have the right to be so god-damn pissed.
Hayley Michelle

(My Parents will kill me if they ever read this.but at the moment i really dont care)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

LOL. Elmo is Naughty On My "Quite Day". LOL.

elmo everyone! (hahaha....elmo sounds like ello which sounds like HELLO!) ahahahahahhaha....sorry, i have elmo on my mind. Going 2 crash a party 2day and kill my ex-boyfriend. So everytime i think of him...i think of elmo.
I only do becase i remember this one time we were supposed to be watching his little nice, but instead we were........... well, my parents probably read this blog so...ya. The piont was, is that Elmo's world was playing in the backround cuz like the magician's we were...we hypnotized his nice with Seseame Street!
Lol, so today in thaeter i had absolutly NO CLUE WAT WAS GOING ON!!!!!!! I wasn't there yesturday (as you mady have notice for a few blogs back), and aparently a Collage girl came and told then about all these AWSOME collages out there and they did some acting/ i was SO lost. But i didn't say anything, because......i actually dont know. Im having a "quite Day" i suppose...if such a thing exsist....
Lol, speaking of being quite. i have the most...INTERESTING question 2 ask...(actually it has nothing to do with being

So Ms.Aladren was talking about "types of people". Like stero-types that collages put us in when deciding who to except.
I was the funny Girl. (YAY! lol, nobody ever calls me funny, makes me feel all tangy inside) (which is good by the way).
But i was i "Funny Girl" like...funny? Or "Funny Girl" like Barbra Streisand's movie "Funny Girl"? hhahah, CONFUSSION! lol

Also did some cold reading from "Angels in America". I love it so far, and i read as a pill poping Morman! WOO!hahah, yupperz.

Wish Me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle
P.S. (lol, hahhaa i use that word (LOL) to many times! LOL!)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rabbi Awsome

So i started reading "Angel In America" i only read Rabbi Isidor Chemelwitz's AMAZING MONOLUGE.

just wow.
"She was the last of the mochicans, this one was. Pretty soon....all the old will be dead." (Kushner 1467).

HOly.Fudge.ballz. is that amazing or what?!?!?!
The scene starts off at the funeral of Sara Ironson. Most funerals are sappy and "WHY DID SHE GO!?!?!?" (insert sobs). but this funeral is totally awsome. He is saying alittle about her, een though he doesnt know her; and i feel touched...because he is stating facts.
the sadness will pass,and so will the happyness. The old will past, and YOU will pass soon too.
I love the raw honesty in this monuluge. GOD! (love it! )

Wish Me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

SLEEPI (no y; its a gay letter) (haha, quote from Jersey Boyz. LOTSSSSS OF CURSING!)


I'm SO tired, its not even funny. I literally JUST woke up, and my heady hurtz.
So i went 2 c "Jersey Boys" last night and i had SUCH a fun time, and i got to meet the cast and they we really nice and SUPER talented. lol, im SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired!

VEGAN HOT CHOCLATE! (lol that was random. i had vegan hot choclate and it was AMAZING! and the guy that was selling it was SUPERRR hot!...probably gayt thoguh..........)

i was gonna go 2 school, but i slept over in NY and when we got back i was just to tired/lazy/didnt do any homework at all this week. But now i kinda regret it...becase i think they're doing the romeo and Juliet Scene auditions today and i will be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed off at myself if i misss that!

We are doing the pilgrim scene from Romeo + Julet, and i WORSHIP that play. i collect them, and its my alltime favorite scene EVER! so i'm gonna b mad at my self if i miss that!

lol, so ya. cleaning now; i have SO many shoes. its scary....thinking of selling some at my school. Lol, last year i sold a BUNCH of my old shoes to this slut Sara. Lol, she is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sluty! But she did look good in my shoes, and its a great way to make a quick buck! Plus i have a "cinderella shoe" size.
Lol, its something me and my friends made shoe is comfertable in diffrent shoes and it depends on the cut of the shoe...but i can fit in a size 5 - 8 1/2.
I wanted to go shoe shopping when we were in NYC for school; but lexi (who was in my group along with Gabe and Miguel), was being lazy and wanted to stalk a hobo.
And for the record; im not afraid of Hobo's...even thoguh they are one of my biggest fears.besides zombies and basketballs. I'm afraid of the crazy hobo that's going to shank me and say "giv meh yo money bitch!". I like hobo's they're really nice. I remember that i was in NY a few months ago, and this hobo let me play his guitar and he was realllly nice.
Whya re the homeless nice? it confusses me. I wanna go work at the soup kitchens in NYC, so i can help hobo's...and mybe meet some that will let me play their guitars...........

Wish Me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle