Monday, December 13, 2010

"People who are Lonely, People left alone"

(this is a journal and so is everything on the topic of Angels In Americia. Just thoguh i should state that.Also that "the Tempest" by William Shakespeare is now a movie and playing seleect theaters in NYC only. MUST SEE. jsut thoguht u should know. anywho, back to journal)

"HARPER: people who are lonely, people left alone, sit talking nonsense to the air imagining...beautiful systems dying, old fixed orders spiraling apart....when you look at the ozone layer, from outside, from a spaceship, it looks like a pale blue halo, a gentle, shimmering aureole encircling the earth. Thirty miles above our heads, a thin layer of three-atom oxygen molecules, product photosynthesis, which explains the fussy vegetable preferance for visible light, its rejection of darker rays and emanationsDanger from without. its kind a gift, from god, the crowning touch to the creation of the world: gardian angels, hand linked, make a spherical net, a blue-green nesting orb, a shell of saftey for life itself. But everywhere, things are collapsing, lies surfacing, systems of defense giving away... this is why, joe, this is why i shouldn't be left alone. [little pause] I'd like to go travling. Leave you behind to worry. I'll sen dpost cards which strange stamps and tantalizing message on back. "later maybe" "nevermore.." (Kushner 1470).


Tony is amazing, i dont know how he does it. This is harper's monlugue at the bveggning of Act 1, scene 3. I love it!!!!! i think she is tripping on her pills a tthe time saying this. I can imagine harper saying this, all gittery and talking to herself...or perhaps alittle drowsy from the pills.Perhaps she;s imagining things, i want to get inside her head to see what the hell she is thinking! i try putting ymself there...but i somehow can't. This is truley a masterpiece. The way he frazes it, he makles her crazyness sound poetic. truely amazing. Posting more journals later,
hayley Michelle

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