Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fag-hag's, poker and Silver & Goldddddd

PG= super offensive blog. i warned you; READ WITH CAUTION

So as a family tradtion; each night of channuka my cat picks the movie we watch every niht for 8 days as a family. ( i taught my cat; he super smart. Now trying to teach him how to sing...not going so well). Anywho...we watched the clay animation movie "Rudolph the Red Nose Rieghndeer".


Its it jsut me, or dont you think its weird that the elf and the rieghndeer are close? (and not liek "freinds" , more like "firends with Benifits"). And theya re all sleeping in a small tent and have to huddle VERY close to keep warm with a phsco miner who is a gold digger; he only wants Silver and GOLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. And their misfits, "TOGETHER".
its UBER-GAY! and the abonmal snowman, is sorta a 4-some and a pansy.
Now ur all probably like; that's not possible, Rudolph isn't gay; he has that bitchy Rieghndeer who's name no-one can remember!

Well she is a fag hag; a groupee that hans with gay guys n says they're dating them just so the gay guy's can hide the fact that they are gay.
I used to love that movie when i was little, but now its gay
i still like it though. lol, but thats my oppinion!

SO anywho...CHANNUCKA PARTY 2NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna party til i feel fly..LIKE A G6!!
hahaha, lol. wanna know why i'm excited?!?! (you actually probablky don't but im going to tell you anywayz)

My christian friends are coming over and i'm going to play Dradil with them.
Dradil is like Jewish poker: n i'm goooood at poker.

Wish me luck world, (Though i probably dont need it)
Hayley Michelle

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