Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cyber Bitches r worse than real bitches

I dont get it...i just..... y do people do that? hurt others.
If you hurt someone, or go out of ur way 2..ur an ass. And just the fact that you cant do it to my face? you dont even deserve to live.
go die i n a hole for all i care...

THen again, that is just the anger in me talking. pisses me off thoguh.
Just the fact that people thing they have the right to treat me like that.god.

You r probably thinking, What the hell is thi diva talking about...well...
its not really tht important..just the fact that bullying hurts, expecally cyber bullying. Its the worst.
You think you can aviod it by not being online..or just shutting yourself away from the world...but that doesnt do sqat.
absolutly nothing.
IT still goes on. It goes on all around us. It just relly hurts that people even think that its right.
I didnt even know these people! ...and i think thats what hurts the most.

The fact that the first impression you make on someone, could change everything. They dont even have 2 know you. Just what they hear, and how you sinks your own ship.

All you bitches? go 2 hell...but dont you god-damn think you have the right to take me down with you.

Hayley Michelle

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