Wednesday, December 8, 2010



SO not looking foward to saturday. First off, i offically have a case of stage parents. They want to send me to every frilly "Going to be a star!" class that teaches me absolutly NOTHING and wastes my time. They want to send me to this class on saturday...something about "how to break into hollywood"?....watyever, i used to belive that stuff like that would work...but Ms.Aladren really opened my eyes. And i dont know...its great to know now what i have to do to actually make it...but i feel like she took the magic out of it.
I remember going to classes like that, and being the best kid in there. Taking it seriously. Feeling proud, because none of my friends had that privladge. then i come to Ms.Aladren, and i hear everyone else doing all of this amazing stuff and i have nothing but my silly comunity theater and acting classes, that everyone else laughs at. It jsut takes the fun out of it. But on the other hand, if would have gotten the rude awaking later and it would NOT be pretty. Ms.Aladren really is sorta like an idol...a very scary spanish idol. I wanna trust her; because she's "been there, done that". But i also want to belive in all that crap that i used to. i wanna belive in my parents, but at the same time i trust Ms.Aladren more.
Im almost positive that every conversation now-a-day's when i talk to my parents starts off with "Well, Ms.Aladren said...." or "Ms.Aladren told the class..." or "because Ms.Aladren said so". They are shoving all of this, "Make my baby a star!" down my troat and i dont like it. I want serious calsses, that i can take seriously. When ever i go to things like that now, i already know everything. It bores me, i feel like i'm wasteing another hour of my life.
I want to take Misner Classes. I want to take more Shakespeare. I want to go on auditions in New York, and get adgents and do everything that the other freshie's do.
Hannah has her SVU...which i SO envy. I actually wrote(with a friend) an entire Book about SVU (fan-fiction). (We are curently working on a sequal, btw). Jessicia has her father's Improv.Do you know how cool it would be to do something like that? Adjenea goes to all of these NY auditions, and Sebastien is an AMAZING DJ. I don't know about Katie or Aleshia, but they're so pretty they just have to stand there and i could be envious about it.
It's true; im enveous. Not like "i hate them", because i dont. I respect them. like...alot. i just wish that i had the privladge to do the things that they get to do. Im stuck wasting my life away on these silly classes that will get me no-where.
i want to be serious, and i want to be taken serious....but i can't do that if i continue to do classes like this. And everytime they tell me about things like this they guilt trip me into it. Like, i JUST got a call from my dad telling me that i need to make a decision if i want to do this "break into hollywood" class. and that you can only be there through special invitation. and that it's special, and a limited offer and they are gonna keep bugging me abou tit if i say "no". So even when they ask me about this stuff...i dont really have a choice if i want to do it or not.

I would rather take an SAT test-taking classes then do all of this. That would benifit me; i dont benifit from all of these things. Im just to shy to tell my parents to fudge off.

Not only am i regreting Satuday becasue of that, but also because on that day i have Band Practice (for a ban di'm in...sorta. our 1st practice.), and i also promised to help my friend decorate her tree.
need advise from ANYONE. Somebody please email me some help.


Wish me luck world,
Hayley Michelle

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