Tuesday, December 14, 2010

wat i have so far on "A.I.A"

Ok, So this is what i have so far on angels in americia:

The rabbi in the opening monolugue is amazing, a fudging visionary. WHO EVENTUALLY IS PLAYED BY THE EVEN GREATER MERYL STREEP! (but talking abuto play, not film thingy).
Then Comes teh workaholic Roy and Joe the mormon who wants to get a job in the pilitics/law area of the world.
Harper is definatly tripping throguht the entire play. (pill popping mormon on the loose. BERWARE!) And Louis and Prior are gayyyyyyyyyyy!
But waht questions me is how Prior got the aids, or as called in the play "Lesionnaire's desease". Which i'm almost possitive translates into teh homo desease. It was called teh gay desease because most people that contracted AIDS were gay. I remember talking about it to my health teacher last year. It was right before i stopped taking health. I stopped cuz i threw up when we got to contriseptives and my friend showed me waht a condom looked like. She actually had tehm ,and was destributing them out to the class! ( i was super mad at her, because she shouldn't have one of those any way. so she deserved the puke. and the class deserved my uber long monolaughe about teen pregancy and abstance and that they will rot in hell if they actually use that condom in 8th grade.)
ok, (*** breathe heavily in attempt to consentrate***) so Lous and Prior are dating. Prior is dying of aids but is strangly calm. I was worried about their relationship, cuz i wonder how he contracted AIDS. if Louis doesn't have it...then how did Prior get it? Its either an affariw ith someone, or h is blood brothers with some crack needles.

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