Thursday, December 9, 2010



They are being closed down, and its wrong. That is a HISTORIC theater, and i will not let it be torn down.
Ig rew up there as a child. Before i even watched my first movie, i remember gonig to taht very theater to watch "Wizard Of Oz". I know, that i said "Phantom of the Opera" got me into theater, but Wizard of Oz was really my first look at theater.
And it started at bucks.
I feel like the childhood crumbling around me, for you know that Charlie Brown's is shut down/ i mean, ALLL of teh world?!?! I loved charlie brown's. I used to go tehre every week after piano lessons when i was little. And now its gone, so now i cant take my adopted children there when they're little after their piano and guitar and harp and trupet and piccilo lessons. They'll never get the chance...and its wrong!
So i will not stand to let them take away my Bucks Countty!
That's were i go to get my Rocky Horror on.
That's were i go if i want to see Funny Girl, German Caberet, or Raisin in THe Sun, Man of La Mancha....and its not right to deny the future generation the right to enjoy what i did when i was little. I still go now!
So Help Save Bucks County Playhouse!
I'm going to get a bunch of people together in my school and we'll go Christmas Caroling to every class to raise money. ONly fair, becasue the last show of the Bucks County Playhouse is "A Christmas Charol". But if i have anything to do with it (which i do), it will certaintly not be the last. I am also emailing all these newspaper people around all of NJ, and see if they can publish an article about trying to save BucksCounty. Cuz i can promise you, that i'm not the only one who has memories with this place. If i can get word out, alot of people can start helping.

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