Thursday, December 2, 2010

LOL. Elmo is Naughty On My "Quite Day". LOL.

elmo everyone! (hahaha....elmo sounds like ello which sounds like HELLO!) ahahahahahhaha....sorry, i have elmo on my mind. Going 2 crash a party 2day and kill my ex-boyfriend. So everytime i think of him...i think of elmo.
I only do becase i remember this one time we were supposed to be watching his little nice, but instead we were........... well, my parents probably read this blog so...ya. The piont was, is that Elmo's world was playing in the backround cuz like the magician's we were...we hypnotized his nice with Seseame Street!
Lol, so today in thaeter i had absolutly NO CLUE WAT WAS GOING ON!!!!!!! I wasn't there yesturday (as you mady have notice for a few blogs back), and aparently a Collage girl came and told then about all these AWSOME collages out there and they did some acting/ i was SO lost. But i didn't say anything, because......i actually dont know. Im having a "quite Day" i suppose...if such a thing exsist....
Lol, speaking of being quite. i have the most...INTERESTING question 2 ask...(actually it has nothing to do with being

So Ms.Aladren was talking about "types of people". Like stero-types that collages put us in when deciding who to except.
I was the funny Girl. (YAY! lol, nobody ever calls me funny, makes me feel all tangy inside) (which is good by the way).
But i was i "Funny Girl" like...funny? Or "Funny Girl" like Barbra Streisand's movie "Funny Girl"? hhahah, CONFUSSION! lol

Also did some cold reading from "Angels in America". I love it so far, and i read as a pill poping Morman! WOO!hahah, yupperz.

Wish Me Luck World,
Hayley Michelle
P.S. (lol, hahhaa i use that word (LOL) to many times! LOL!)

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