Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Angels In americia is fudging Genuis

Angels in Americia is Fudging Genuis. I am sitting here reading it (skipped a-head to the Louis and Belieze scene in Act 3, Scene 2) (we read it in Theater, and i'm obsessed). This play (and the Class discussion we had today...but mainly the play) just opens my eyes to how....un-diverse and cruel, and hurtful the human race is. Now matter what minority you are; you will always be calling someone out as a minority and hurting someone. No matter wat you say.

Words are like flames: are they friends or foe's? Words can makes as feel warm inside. but it can also scorn and burn us. Sometimes, it does both; and we have no control over it, but the we can control wheather or not we want to lite the falme at-all. We choose to use words, and only we can control it; by putting it out, or not starting the fire at all. The way Louis is speaking, talking about all these things; it is incredibly offensive. but he doesn't see that.He doesn't see how heis burning the world around him, and scortching Belieze.

Louis is blind to all of this.

Some people are blind in the world, but they're eye-site is perfectly fine. They can see what's around them; but they don't see the evil of humanity around them. Or better yet, they choose not to see the evil around them. Once you open your eyes, its like...tasting forbidden fruit from the sacred tree of knowladge located in the Garden of Eden. You spoil wat once was lush and a paridise. By opening your eyes to the world, and all of its evil you are ruinging wat once was pure. It takes you to a whole new level of understanding. When you open your eyes, You hurt all of a sudden, you hurt others... and its a terrible thing.
But yet its also a terrible thing to walk through life blind. Some things you cant ignore.
Because no matter how hard you try not to see the things of torment, hurt and evil...you know, deep down inside, that they ARE still there.
and the always will be.
Sometimes, when you open yourself to the evil of the world, you can try to cahnge it. You can try to make a difrence and you can try to supress the eveil's in the world.
This play has opened my eyes to sooooo many things. I am only still on Scene 3 of Act 1, but i am in love with this play. i savor every last word. I spend like...5 minutes on each line...just taking it in. It...angers me to know that this is happening in the world,and i never even knew about it. It hurts me to know, that i was ignorant. It pains me to know that i was one of these characters.
I am these characters; That's why i love it so much. i can relate. Eve though im not a black-portchagieze drag-queen, or a pill-popping morman. Or a gay lawyer that's not coming out of the closet. But i was blind. I was blind to everything around me, but now i'm seeing everything difrently. Andi dont know if its a good thing or a bad thing; because now i am in-duldged in the dirty filth called the human race, but then again...i can now see whats going on and i have the choice to stand up and defy it. I dont have to sit there and take it. i can stand up and say something...i can hurt them back, i can let them hurt me...i have a choice. Whe your blind, everything is done for you because you are defenseless. When your eyes wide -open you can decide for yourself.

Perhaps it better off being blid, not knowing the evil around you. Not knowing that your hurting someone...pretending everything is ok. Living in a "Perfect World" where everyone is equal and diverse.
What really is a "Perfect World"? Anyone? No?
Being blind, means not seeing the world and only seeing your perfect world. NO matter how sick and twisted it may apeal to others...but you will be forever blind in you own world. You are the Angel in your world
You are the Angel in Americia.
but sometimes, your just too blind to see for yourself.

Hayley Michelle

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